
Hey Jeff: #StickToSports

Boston is far from alone.

But on a serious note., I had this lady talking my ear off on the subway in NYC and I wasn’t responding. Then I finally looked at her and said “I’m sorry, I don’t speak English” and went back to straight up ignoring her.


Rudy Giuliani is a cousin fucker, not a hero.  

Don’t have heroes. 

Losers don’t get statues. Tear them the fuck down.

I don’t mind the heat, I loathe the TASTE of wasabi.

This TOOOWWWNN needs an enema

Paris Hilton rode a unicorn at Burning Man. [The Blast]

I can’t say I super loved the game, but the Wolverine game remains uncompleted. That last Deadpool fight........

Nickelback is cruel and unusual punishment.

I am super okay with this.

NOTHING about Anthem was worth any wait. 

Managed to slice tip of finger off with a mandolin slicer, and liquid bandage made life a LOT easier that bandaids, after bleeding eventually stopped. LOVE this stuff now!

Jerry Seinfeld

Realistic looking women? He’ll never go anywhere!

Or Joe Flacco

I had no clue Cage had any extra money to donate, what with his tax issues.