It uses Kinect-like cameras to map the space in front of you. It's probably not too hard to say a large, flat, vertical surface is a wall.
It uses Kinect-like cameras to map the space in front of you. It's probably not too hard to say a large, flat, vertical surface is a wall.
they demo'd it.
In real time.
all other reveals have been pre-rendered but this was real time man. When this comes out... wow.
If BB is such a genius, why is he the only one who gets caught doing things that 'everyone does'. I say this as a die-hard Patriots fan.
Who the fuck bought and drove a FGT because of fuel economy? Seriously?
MPGs? Really?
Sexiest fictional alien race ever created.
I'd rather play a much better game with less obvious weather effects - if graphics are all that matter to you then okay, but that's a little sad.
Expect that Forza Horizon 2 is a massive open world racer. Yeah........ So......... Not impressed by this. DriveClub is super linear. Plus Forza is just a better game, period.
I'm not sure if sarcasm or full on idiocy. Either way, well done.
Too bad that, as far as driving goes, Driveclub sucks.
I've played Destiny just about every night for the past ~6 weeks and I've barely run into any problems. (In fact, I've been kind of astonished at how stable the servers have been, for the most part.)
We should absolutely expect games to work they way they're intended to on day one. That being said however, it's worth giving a shout out to those who fix their products when when they don't work that way, because some devs don't even bother doing that.
If you're going to get out of your car on a race track, you run the risk of getting hit.
To this day I'm still surprised I made it out of that school level.
Xbox owners, you're getting a lot more of Destiny than Playstation owners ever got of Halo.
You re-draw it and then post it on here so we can judge you. Do it.
anyone who's masturbated after doing too much cocaine knows extended contraction of muscles + dehydration is a sure shot to muscle cramps
Probably. Got to say though I liked the campaign from ODST the best out of them all.
I knew full well I should not have read this and now my crippling fear and anxiety about the act of dieing is at terror level orange.