Matt Dargis

This show blows, but this episode was actually pretty good. Best one in a long time.

You 2 are confusing me.

Another thing for people to bitch and complain about.

Even Tim Burton is confused with his ending. On the DVD extra’s he said he didn’t understand his own ending to the movie.

The ending straight up ruined that movie for me. Predictable as all get out.

WTF? The Mist’s ending was awesome. How and the hell is it in the worst list?

Spawn. Took my girlfriend to see it with me. I think that’s why she broke up with me.


God damn, she is a professional gold digger.

Sony designed the “prop”.

Why is nobody talking about how bad the CGI is in this trailer?

2016 was a particularly bad year for celebrity death’s. A lot of beloved entertainers/celebrities died last year.

No. You’re not.

Lando. How in Gods name can you think Han would wear anything like that?

You are full of shit.

It doesn’t. Try Googling a topic before you comment on it.

Uh. There are 36 other states where you don’t need a license to own a gun. In Ohio you DO need a permit to carry. 5 of those 36 (all northern states) don’t need permits to carry.

Sounds good to me. I haven’t like any of Lord and Millers works.

“Gadot’s service?

Fuck Lebanon.