Matt Dargis

I don’t get this idea that a 30 hour experience isn’t worth $60 when people regularly spend $20 on a 2 hour movie.

You seem nice.

I saw The Last Jedi yesterday, and this was definitely one of the best scenes in the whole movie.


No one cares about your Gifted and Talented program.

This thread was the worst not-so-humble brag I’ve ever seen.

He can read his name and shit.

it’s an excellent long term strategy because stupid customers keep supporting them. More people buying ps4's means a larger install, the larger their install base the more likely it will be that some of your friends will own ps4's. If enough of your friends have the hot new game on ps4, and you want to play with them

Sony seem to have this mentality lately of “we have sold more consoles so fuck our customers they bought them anyway so why do good things?” Not a good long term game plan . MS seem the best lately in terms of giving owners what they want which surprises no one more than myself. Nintendo finally seemcto be listening

A successful Sony is also an arrogant Sony. And an arrogant Sony leads to colossal future fuck ups.

I want to know what unholy deal Stephen A made with Satan that gets him on TV but leaves him always at a table with someone even shittier than he is.

It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.

It might be good or mediocre, but it’s what some people wanted.

Man it’s fucking disheartening to see so many “We have no answer at this time” responses when this console hits shelves in less then 2 months.

Are we just gonna ignore the Anchorman quote?

When did they start putting the Ford emblem on Lamborghinis?

If you have to have a belt with your jeans, you need to stop having your wife buy your clothes. Be a man and buy a pair of jeans that fit.

driveclub looks better but it’s not a fair comparison because driveclub is not a open world game

So we now have sportsmanship truthers?

You also think the white man is the devil according to all your other posts. Go back to gawker.

Yeah.... because there is absolutely no games available on XboxOne...