I’ll DL a film I own already so I have a digital copy. That‘s the only time. Pirating movies before they are out or you don’t own is straight up stealing. It’s just like walking out of Best Buy with a Blu Ray you haven’t paid for.
I’ll DL a film I own already so I have a digital copy. That‘s the only time. Pirating movies before they are out or you don’t own is straight up stealing. It’s just like walking out of Best Buy with a Blu Ray you haven’t paid for.
When you post how to DL a pirated copy of a movie that will make hundreds of millions of dolars when it releases, and just got your ass sued by Hulk Hogan for over a hundred million.
No you haven’t. It’s similar to IV, but not even close to the same. I think you should watch it again.
I don’t think that is possible. But I have been hearing Gal Gadot steals the show from both Cavill and Affleck
I’m going to go out on a limb and say you are 100% wrong. This movie will not make Sony any money.
You mean they ruined the game buy making you pay for it if you want to use more than one character at a time?
Holy shitballs that looks good.
David Goyer is bad at his job?
Sure as hell looked like Wonder Woman to me. Eisenberg is the only one who looks miscast.
Pretty awful list you got there.
LiveLeak is tame compared to BestGore. That site is so bad I had to block it from myself. Seriously disgusting make yourself sick for days kind of shit on that site.
Because someone didn't like something they are on the hate train. Grow up
How and the fuck can you defend a game that cost $60 that only lasts 5 hours?
Ryse was the best looking game out there when it came out. And we all know how that game turned out.
Condemned is my absolute favorite horror game. Condemned 2 was atrocious. Every scare was tipped off by a flash on the screen before the actual scare. We need Condemned 3.
I actually see Volts all the time here in Cincinnati
Since when were Lancer Evo's crap?
They need some dust repellent there man. Those photos are ruined by dust
There is no way in hell it's going to be another Forza 5.
Skip 5 and wait for 6.