The Engineer Matt

If a developer makes DRM free games, in effect offering an olive branch to the player saying that your copy is yours, it does so out of respect. However, when your livelyhood relies on sales, you cannot very well sell something that can be simultaneously be returned and kept at the same time. Not without ending up

Ms. Pac Man does deserve to be in there, next year. Space Invaders should have been in. Regardless of whether people “still play it” in pizza places, it was absolutely nothing less than revolutionary in it’s design (especially for the use of music).

lucky you, all you have to do is NOT give him money! :D

tape it to your hand

We can all admit that this pose is centered around the wielding of phallic power, right?

There is a fundamental flaw with your fix of review bombing. If a game is terrible, broken, or massively flawed, I can get a refund. That’s GREAT! But now, because the game is terrible, and I don’t want to own it/give my money to the developer, I can’t leave a warning to other people if the form of a review. Following

That’s racist and uncalled for....

You beat me to it :(

I would make a lego vagina, sir.

DID YOU JUST SAY NINTENDO PHONE.... I know just speculation but that would BLOW MY EFFING MIND!

I thought the EXACT same thing

Don’t want to sound negative, but does this game really have a following? It seems like it just dropped of the face of the planet (esp with regards to media coverage).

bloodborne, hands down.

That’s true. Perhaps I mis-identified the problem. The endurance stat I feel had more far-reaching effects. In Bloodborne, some of that I feel was abandoned. Equip burden was dropped as the clothing all weighs the same. So if that’s the case, I think that strength should affect the damage of a weapon, dex the speed

saw this coming a mile away... Hoping they settle out of court, and can continue the project

my biggest complaint is that I don’t feel like there is a huge difference between dex and strength stats. Both just serve to make your weapon stronger.... Pick a weapon and level up one stat.

I’m curious whether that dlc will still be free in a year. Perhaps they signed an agreement with Sony and Micro where, in order to let it be free, platforms would eventually be able to charge, but the platforms received majority of the profits. Might be a good reason to adopt early.

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I fell out of anime, for the most part, about 8 years ago. THIS though. This looks AWESOME! Super self reflexive road film that embraces anime style with a dash of harold and kumar, count me in.

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