The Engineer Matt

I like the idea of her parents telling her not to waste time playing silly games, so she goes out at night in her super heroine mask and trains to be the best maimai player on the island. I’m pretty sure there’s a time where her parents realize she is gone and go see her in an arcade tournament where she kicks a$$ and

looked strange to me too, but it reminds me a bit of Aeon Flux.

I thought it was funny, too, just didn’t catch the full sarcasm. Don’t hate me!

the one big difference here, and I think is being underestimated, is that Nintendo is a brand. Threes was great, but not made by a brand name. So when 2048 came out free, made by another non-brand, who can judge the difference at face value?

Preach it, brother! Proselytize the masses!

Seems a little uncalled for...

Fan of ENB since DS1. It’s nice seeing him postulate theories again. The great thing about his early videos is that he had to find all the evidence to support his theories. Since he started working on the guides (which GREAT for him!) it has felt less like discovery and more like regurgitation (IMO). I’m excited to

This game was PHENOMENAL! I was really impressed back in the day. Think it may have been a day one purchase....

I can’t say that this is exactly actionable. Especially given the fact that Kojima has explicitly stated that the character’s physical appearance is based very heavily on a british (I think) actor

Ill go back through my papers and throw it up on my site. Send you a link when I finish.

Well, I’ve been thinking about going back to see if any of my work was publishable. I’ll look at it tonight, and if it’s good enough I’ll shoot you a link to my site

I understand that this is all the same arkham universe, but I am growing a little tired of the mechanized, metallic designs. Outside of that, bravo on including more characters!

He was assigned as a producer on the first game, and gave only bits of creative feedback (based on interviews I have read while preparing final papers on both Kojima himself and Castlevania’s Del Toroian tendencies). He definitely had a stamp on it, but the second was not under his influence at all. I certainly get

That is THE most baller helmet

I understand your reasoning here. Quite frankly, messages left on the ground does not constitute teaching. It is the equivalent of an in-game manual. The “tutorial section” of DS1 was laughable, in that you didn’t really learn how to play the game. You learned to look for the secret path away from the boss, how to

Bravo! This is a great change of pace! And I thought his animations were superb.

Those pictures look so sad...

Just that last feeling with Vicar Amelia. Her scream just adds to it, too.


Despite being action oriented, there is Bloodborne as well.