
Great post. I always thought an intro to psychology class should be mandatory in school. My high school at least offered a class you could take but being mandatory could actually help more people out in understanding simple things that go on in their heads. 

I’ve all but retired my pc and mostly game on the PS5 I was lucky to get. That was so stressful trying to secure an order that I absolutely refuse to stress myself out hunting for pc parts. My i5 2500k and nvidia 980 are left for desktop activities and old games now. 

Is there any real research out there that estimates how much of this NFT crap is actually just money laundering? I’m sure this Hellraiser thing is not. But when a random piece of crappy art NFT gets sold for a couple million, you can’t tell me that isn’t actually a payment being made for something else...

I doubt the comment section is keeping these articles at the top. It’s because sex sells wonders to the pre teen/teen/early 20's crowd. Stick a picture of a girl in a bikini with her boobs hanging over the edge of a hot tub, it's probably giving Kotaku hundreds of thousands of clicks.

Agreed. Everyone says “just don’t click on the article”, but sometimes you just have to voice your opinion. And I don’t see anything wrong with calling out the garbage that this site is slowly becoming.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but the comments section on these websites are ABYSMAL. I scroll down to comments, it shows about half a comment before its cut off and I have to tap a link to load more. But then its sooooo slow and will only show a few more comments before I have to click a 3rd link to finally show ALL

My thought is in the console space, they probably code the game one specific way to load on the console. With the PS5 and it's crazy fast hard drive, the settings don't just transfer over. 

I don’t think it’s wrong. These days it feels like everyone has skeletons in their closets, some much worse than others. I can’t keep tabs on every celebrities personal life and use that to judge whether I listen to a song they made. I bought Chris Brown’s Indigo album a year or two ago. Just love the sound and flow

What’s sad is this accident may still not change anything. Like you said, limited resources. When it comes to statistics, he is just a single accident on that road. Unless more bad stuff happens, it's just going to be business as usual.

15 a day probably isn't enough for them. If a cop sat there for 8 hours that's barely 2 tickets an hour. Cops set up speed traps in my area where they are pulling that many people over every hour. 

I've been playing Overwatch since release and never knew Mcree was named after an employee working there. 

Dash cams and cameras are everywhere now. This might sound extreme but I think schools or the DMV should make it a requirement to watch some car crash/aftermath videos. It will change your whole perspective of what can happen during a crash. People need to see it to understand.  

Good that the consumer won’t have to suffer and wait long. It’s clearly a hardware problem, not a game problem. If it was a game problem it would be killing a lot more than just the EVGA 3090's.

Stories like these make my blood boil. We are all trying to get through life happy and healthy. Then a person like this comes along and could have killed you or your loved one for no reason at all.  Just life I guess. 

I bought the newest Nickelodeon Kart racer for my kids to play a few months ago and was super pissed that there are ZERO voices in the game. No character speaks or even grunts. I just watched the trailer for this game and surprise surprise, didn't hear a single voice. Does Nickelodeon not allow this? Even a fake

I don’t have a problem with exclusives if the game is being designed for the console. What I do have a problem with is one side buying up a bunch of developers and suddenly claiming all the games to one console. Just doesn’t feel fair to the consumer. 

A lot of things in life feel so screwed up price wise right now. And if it’s not the price it’s the scarcity. Building materials, kitchen appliances, furniture, electronics, cars, houses, rising food price- I noticed when my family of 4 goes to a local pizza place, instead of spending $20-30 it’s turned into $40-50.

I would like to read more data on crash safety with large pick up trucks. I've seen plenty of videos on YouTube where a car hits a pick up truck at just the right angle and the big trucks just seem to love to flip over. 

I don't care much either way, but I think since the game was always a Bethesda game, people figured it was coming to both consoles. Then MS snatched them up. 

Hope she gets a pay day with the lawsuit and cop gets fired. That video is infuriating if you put yourself in her shoes. That is a small shoulder and I wouldn’t even be sure if it was safe to pull over. Who knows what that will do to her mentally for life.