Considering the price of video cards alone, for some people it’s just more convenient to buy a $399 console than to piece together a build.
Considering the price of video cards alone, for some people it’s just more convenient to buy a $399 console than to piece together a build.
I understand everyone’s complaints and I’m not sold on the idea yet either. But it might not be that bad. If the next version of the Xbox comes out and the original Xbone can play all the same games as a new one, than its no different than a new video card/cpu coming out for the pc crowd. One will look better than the…
A user watching anyone’s stream will never know the persons true identity or street address. The only way Twitch can get involved is if the victim finds out the stream was saved online(which it was in this case) she can go to police and they can subpoena Twitch for all the info which is great evidence in a case like…
It still means extra work for game devs. Instead of one fixed spec to push their game to the limit with, they now have 2. Whether it’s easy or hard, it’s still extra time required with already tight game development schedules. They might even have to hire an extra person or two to make sure both versions run…
Gamers are not the problem. Most gamers play games. They don’t do this weird freaky stuff to people. These are just disturbed individuals with no life or real priorities who are putting all their energy into harrassing someone anonymously online. On any real gaming website, no one is talking about how to harrass this…
I love the back of the R.P.D. shirt. In big words it just says "Raccoon Police” lol those pesky raccoons always getting into trouble.
There is nothing wrong with trying these games out. If you are worried about getting addicted, delete your credit card info before going on the app stores. Try every game you want. When you feel like you “need” to give in and buy some random pack or power up, delete the game and move on to the next one. You will…
I could have a little respect for him just trying to sleep it off in a vehicle, but having an open beer in the car kinda kills it
I never understood it either. I see oil changes as “just more work to be done”. Sure it’s great doing it yourself. But if I have extra money laying around I’ll gladly let someone else do it.
Sweet potato fries are orange and delicious!
I say I won’t buy the new game but I always do. Starting with BLOPS 2 was when my interest started fading. With each new game released I’ve been playing them online less and less. This is the first year I’m definitely... positively not buying. The beta was enough for me.
I also can’t stand the “people you may know” banner that I believe is at the top of the friends list. It’s usually the same person for a month straight that I have no idea who they are. When I click on them they are some random person that is friends with one other person on my friends list. There needs to be a “I…
It would be kind of funny if they just brought all that along to go target shooting somewhere in the area. They don’t seem bright to begin with so I wouldn’t expect them to think about driving across state lines with weapons being an issue.