As if the Phillies' season couldn't get any worse
As if the Phillies' season couldn't get any worse
Smart, subtle, powerful political statement made by the Washington players. If only there was something else the REDSKINS could do to help fight entrenched racism in America!
Spike Eskin and Mike Levin use this Dana Barros (Dana Barros!) song for the theme to their Sixers podcast. It's actually pretty great.
This was my favorite one. It's a viral video by Samuel Beckett
Too soon
This is why I've always called Evan Mathis the Vladimir Nabokov of offensive linemen.
Hey chill out man.
I love mocking people too, but to me kissing your significant other after fulfilling a lifetime dream is pretty normal. Also, when you google Jan Vesely, the first thing that comes up is Jan Vesely Girlfriend. Nobody mocked him for his draft night kiss- in fact high fives were sent out across the internet.
You're showing your (probably young) age! Carson might seem safe now, but at the time he was cutting edge and INCREDIBLY funny. Fallon's built his career out of being well-liked by celebrities and telling jokes that audiences understand, not necessarily jokes that are funny.
A-Rod is the Jamie Dimon of sports.
In my opinion, Le Batard has to wait a couple of years for the Deadspin HOF 'cause Babe Ruth.
I was watching this live and what you neglected to mention is that the kid was being interviewed as the injury happened. There was nothing ESPN could do about it- they absolutely had to tie the 2 together. Walker was crying as well, with a stoic but pained look, so my guess is the director thought it was better to use…
I'd rather read this than anything by Robert Frost.
Obviously staged to draw attention away from the Katrina level disaster of the Obamacare website. Hasn't anyone heard of false flags?!!
This is big government, socialistic meddling from Barack HUSSEIN Obama at its finest! Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
I think we should boycott them, also because they're the Winter Olympics and who gives a shit about them anyway?
This tweet was so bad it has 535 retweets and 138 favorites as of now.
Every fan under 16 who attends the game will be receiving a collectable air guitar.
The Today Show really needs to hire this guy, just to make Tiki cry.