
you aren't sort of right, you are completely right. If you deflate your tires enough so that knobs on the shoulder are making contact, then the middle is seriously buckled up or not making very good contact.

yeah, they stole that part of the song pretty blatantly.

From your other posts and this, I think I get what you are getting at. I do find it hard, however, to separate the idea of "all automotive activity" with what is going on in and around Detroit. To me, Detroit is a huge part of "all automotive activity." It is probably because of my viewpoint. I just figure if they

You misunderstand, I meant coincidence in the sense that you make it sound like Detroit being called the motor city is purely because of car culture and not the industry itself. Therefore it being the hub of automotive industry in the US is coincidental to it being called the Motor City. This is the main point I was

I disagree. I think that it is precisely that it is the "hive of automotive activity" aspect of it that makes it the motor city. The car culture part followed. If you want to be in the auto industry the Detroit area is the place to be, hands down. Sure foreign companies may not be based here, but there is no other

^can hardly tell FTFY

but what do you put in it? Any sauces or spices?

I'd have to disagree with you there. A car kept in good condition can almost always look great. A few exceptions exist from the 90's, but those probably just aren't old enough yet to be special.

what does "broke-ass" mean in this context? I am honestly curious. I thought it meant junk, but you then say that it was a mint car, so I want to know. Thanks.

I don't know if you are kidding or not. He is making all of it up. It's all BS.

such majesty.

I just use the produce bag and keep it in the fridge. no big deal. This reminds me, I am out of peanut butter but have a bunch of celery jsut asking to be eaten this way.

you'd be surprised. I've seen cars with snowtires snowplow all day long.

but it has so much more America than a Range Rover.

this never gets old.

the Aries one is still a bit better.

mass in motion is momentum.... mv^2.... Your definitions are lacking.

This is garbage. Payments and loan interest are for suckers. If you are really trying to save money, get a cheap car off craigslist for cash and get bare minimum insurance coverage on it. Cars can be real cheap if you put a little effort into them.

This picture just made me so hungry it hurts.... Out of nowhere. And I have an hour and a half till lunch. Drats.