matt blissett

That makes sense actually.

I think he should have thought before he posted. I don't agree with his response, but we don't know what she said originally.

I agree but we still don't know the context of how it was expressed to him though. The xojane article is here… but the comments are as vicious as you might imagine.

Why can't they make movies out of work like this? I enjoy a lot of mainstream superhero work but I would love to see something like this in a cinema.

I can separate a show from some of it's adherents as I can from it's detractors. It's more that sometimes the detractors can be comfortably shared space with, and don't scare me as much.

'How do you know he's doing acid again?'
'He's been on the trampoline for five days.'
I love that film.

A lot of the discussion has been around who would be right for the throne, but we've learned with these books that it's seldom anything but those who would be wrong for it. Good people will be killed by other good people in the crude rush for vengeance, whilst the bastards are seldom undone by anything other than

I love this song precisely because it's unforgiving. Even the most generic enemy can hand your ass to you if you're not looking what you're doing. When you take out a boss, or clear an area, it's a massive achievement and the mechanics of it, the weight that comes across with every button press is fantastic.

I think so, too, but I was just riffing on what the title refers to. Next season we get more Dorne, which is never a bad thing. I'm interested/concerned about the pace of the series in relation to the books but I understand that Martin is working at his own pace.

I'm wondering if they are going with the epilogue of ADWD where we see someone's little spiders?

In The Flesh is a great show. It's probably the best allegory for racism/homophobia, but done with zombies. It just finished it's second season here, but it's worth your time.

The earlier work is engaging and enjoyable, but in the second part of the documentary, they play one of the later songs 'Get Over It' and Don sings it with this disdainful, detached expression and you realise you've watched someone who has been disconnected from the inspiration that made them palatable and all we are

Publishing is about making a profit, so something like this is bound to generate revenue. Kendall and Kylie Jenner have a book out that's probably just as sensationalist and enthusiastic, and it's probably ghost written. There will always be books that are meant to appeal to an audience that don't normally read. After

I'll just wait. It's only Benioff and Weiss who know how it all transpires and I love the series enough to wait. I understand the desire to tell the story on it's own terms, and it's tribute that so many people are almost on edge waiting for the next installment.

I watched it, knowing full well the outcome and it was filmed in such a way that Oberyn's arrogance and zeal undoes him. Clegane is down and all he had to do is stick the blade through his throat and Tyrion went free, and I found myself wondering if they were going to go a different way. I was pleased that they did

Which is the strange thing about mainstream comics, it's mainly serving characters who, in other media would be an interesting diversion. There are a great many comics that are creator-owned, non genre work but they don't get the weight of attention. Work like Preacher or 100 Bullets, Love and Rockets or Black Hole

He's the king of one of the largest territories on the earth with a royal submarine and a trident. I think he can be a great character in the right hands.

According to Kent Brockman, it's the ants who will make the case for domination

Retrograde, which I found out about through the trailer for The Leftovers is perfect. The beginning and end refrain is stunning, just a croon and a drumbeat, but it's so evocative and haunting. I am thoroughly enjoying the album.

For me, it's his expression, nothing more that makes the scenes with his kids work. I know it all too well, that blend of blind adoration,resentment and frustration that makes up parenthood.