matt blissett

His voice and music got me through some tough times. They will continue to do so.

My heart sank, he's spoken about her and the stages of their relationship in his act before, and it was desperately sad to get this news. It's not concern trolling, or appropriation of someone's grief to express empathy with someone we don't personally know but connect with through their art. Thank you for saying

I remember a quote about The Wachowski's in respect of the ideology behind The Matrix in that they read a lot of books about philosophy but not understood any of them. I think that this applies to Snyder and comics.
Visually, he's striking but he mistakes density for depth. When Batman and Superman fought in TDKR, it

The original Evil Dead had a Looney Tunes goofiness to offset the horror whereas the remake felt like I was being punished for having the temerity to watch it. There are great ones still being made though. It Follows, You're Next were great and even Martyrs, which was almost unbearable had an aesthetic to it. Was

My friends saw him at Download Festival and they were, up to that point, fans of his but apparently he was awful onstage. I think a lot of his ire left when Jeordie White left the band and was in NIN for the Beside You In Time/With Teeth album as well as A Perfect Circle.
Shame, because he has some fantastic songs.

I remember when ignorance was something to be ashamed of.

It's 'club' you peasant. 'Drops monocle in indignation, throws another peasant onto the fire.'

The DC movies seem to be playing catch up to what Marvel established organically, going for a limited palate of black and grey without any nuance or humanity to it. Everyone grimaces like they're suffering intestinal complaints and speaks like they'd sell their firstborn for a throat lozenge, there's no wit to the

The hate comes from the fact that we pretended that this was still pure in our collective memories by the time of TPS and that we wanted that experience again. Not necessarily of those films, but how we were and who we were when we watched them. Best and Lloyd were perfect apogees for how we were confronted with

When Dassey asked his mother about taping Wrestlemania, my heart ached at that. How do these people sleep at night? I mean, even if they're released, god knows what they've gone through and will that mean Avery can continue to pursue his original suit? To me, the suit was a powerful motive and if you follow the money,

The problem is that the people who are smart enough for jury duty are oftentimes using that intelligence to avoid it. There was so little actual evidence other than a presumption of guilt, some awful representation and a doubling down because no one wants to do anything close to actual justice for Avery, Dassey or

My guess is that PC Principal and the frat are the crab people. Look at how he moves. I've no evidence but it would be a lovely twist

I found Chuck Palahniuk's Pygmy unreadable for that same reason. In the right hands, it's remarkably effective as a narrative tool, but a misstep alienates the reader. This does look good and it's similar in conception to Boxy an Star, which is a great read.

I always enjoyed playing as a Paragon, because it ended up helping the majority of people. That such a course of action still ended up in an ending that felt dismissive and nihilistic was unfortunate, but then endings are troublesome at the best of times.

"Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins.'
"Homer Simpson, smiling politely' It still makes me laugh when I see it.

The bass sound in particular was lovely, it had some real grit to it whilst serving the song.

The line in Pyramids where he sings about her making him feel like a man though he's still unemployed spoke to me at a difficult time in my life.

It's rare that a piece of art is worth the wait, but this was.

"No you'll never make a monkey out of me" Still the best musical ever

I always wonder when people are so vicious over an external conflict what they're not dealing with internally.