matt blissett

But I want my Robert Strong. Preferably fighting a dragon or his brother.

I will miss him and Indira Varma too, they both generated so much intense heat with one another.

The problem was that the chemistry between Momoa and Clarke was of such a high standard that anything else falls short. Huisman is a good choice, Skein looked the part in terms of being handsome and arrogant, but he made a career choice that took him away from the show, Huisman is an acceptable choice but what I find

I'm going for her and Arya reuniting in a Thelma and Louise/In Her Shoes (if it were directed by Michael Haneke style) road trip with two alienated, sociopathic sisters on a journey of self discovery and stabbing.

Joe Hill raved about it on his tumblr, and it is on my to-read list.

Pah, it's when we get an announcement that someone has adapted the Unfunnies that we will truly know he has arrived. I see why people dislike his work, he's personable in his encounters with people online and he works hard at what he does,and he appears to love it. I enjoyed Kick Ass at the time, but it's appeal

I'm fed up of reboots and remakes, I wish there was as much energy put into original properties. The Black List, the collection of unmade screenplays has some amazing films on there. I understand why this situation is the way it is though.

The line about his dad was a bit harsh. A poor choice of film projects is one thing, but it's poor taste to make this about anything other than being a bad film.

I think that Fox have, despite the input of Mark Millar, no real clue on how to create the same quality and cohesion as Marvel do with their properties. I cannot muster any excitement for Days of Future Past either, as much because the costumes look like cosplay without any enthusiasm behind them. What I like about

It is a narcissistic obsessive relationship and ultimately it will destroy them yet for all that, it has a romance to it as terrible and toxic as it is. That's how I took it from the books, anyway. Shit, even after that …

Shae is a much more sympathetic character onscreen than in the books. Also it doesn't hurt that Sibel is strident and incredibly charismatic onscreen, so it stands to reason that we won't get a weak death for her, if that comes to pass.

Judging from the trailer, episode 2 is written by GRRM and features the wedding. I do like that he gets to write an episode a season and he gets in this season to kill the most hated character in the show.

I loved the book, and couldn't be happier that this will be their movie debut. It's a lurid, violent book with morally ambiguous protagonists and it ties into the Swagger books, which became Shooter.

I love Doop, one of the most innovative and interesting characters Marvel have produced.

Hannibal would look at Joe with the same expression you would give to someone that had happened to pass wind whilst you rode an elevator together.

She's an obstetrician/gynaecologist with a bachelors in chemistry. According to AiG's website she 'operates under the conviction that accurate history never violates biblical history'. So presumably I missed the lesson about the Ark and co-existing with dinosaurs.

It was better left as a book. The complexity and density of it was lost on tv, it looked cheap and rushed.

Rose Leslie from Game of Thrones. It's the juxtaposition of the pale skin against the red hair aesthetically.

It's a bit embarrassing but I found out about her only recently, and it has that heady rush of discovery that my age normally demands that I leave behind. She has evolved, although there are songs on earlier records that are exquisite, such as Black Rainbow, which are massively inspiring.

I had really enjoyed her previous work but the new album feels like a genuine progression musically. She's a fantastic guitarist and the character she takes on is fascinating, musically and visually .