
Exactly. If they'd she'd said to him Mon-El: "teach me about this" and then he proceeded to tell her the rules, in some sort of preparatory montage thing, they could have explained, with a voice over, that there's, like, (just making this up but it feels appropriate): three rules: Rule 1: No powers. Rule 2: No-one can

DAMN. I never thought of that. He'd be useful on Earth-1 as part of Team Flash, and also, it'd give Cisco and Winn time to develop a breathing apparatus that filters out the lead, so he can still breathe and live on Earth-2, or some kind of immunity shot to it or something.

I think the reason they used the Superman vs Supergirl fight is to prove without a doubt that Supes would be no use. Because whilst I know comics-wise Supergirl IS actually stronger and more powerful than Supes, the shows haven't established that. So it's good they established that.

Keep telling your ignorant dumbass self that. I've been following Clinton since 08, so don't tell me BS about all the fake things you wanna lie about.

See my reply to MANIMAL.

Yeah it is, watch Doctor Strange again.

You're naming one example of it being misused, I'm pointing out you can't say "quite the opposite" because you don't KNOW of all the times.

You clearly have been listening to nonsense too long if you're still buying into the BS Clinton is a baddie rhetoric. Take away all the smoke and mirrors from Trump's campaign and the Republicans and you've got someone with solid political experience, who is well known to get things done, someone that is known to

They actually do it all the time but you don't find out because the threat is never known and it is neutralised and dealt with and the public is none the wiser.

I never wondered how he eats and breathes, my problem was with the obvious plot point that everyone was scared he's going to die, when it's blatantly obvious that he can't, simply because of the way technology works.

It's either the Time Stone, or some little piece of it, that can be harnessed temporarily or some capture of its power or something, but it went green, they all froze and he talked about windows closing.

No, coz it's not disappearing around you, your virtual self is simply being decoded.

Oh also, no-one's mentioning it, but that was the Time Stone at the end.

Ok, did anyone else have a problem with shouting at their screen? Because I was shouting at my screen every time people were all worried Mack and Yo-Yo were going to die if they blinked out of existence in the framework.

You do kinda forget how hot Emily Bett Rickards is, even though she's always insanely hot and I think I'm more attracted to Felicity than to her, but goddamnit she looked so incredibly gorgeous in that love making scene.

I know! I instantly picked up on the way the camera lingered on him a bit too long, I thought it might be him being annoyed at not being able to protect Kirkman, but one of my passions and interests is the USSS so I knew almost instantly that he wouldn't be too unhappy, he'll be used to adaptation, used to changing it

And Mike is the badass of the group, who stays calm and is logical yet could kick behind. Which would mean that they really just decided to make the FBI guy black just because, rather than to fill a quota.

Subsequently joins Savitar's team and bullies Barry who accidentally gets a lightning scar on his forehead after a fight with Savitar who hits him with lightning that can't heal, also partially blinds him, so he needs to wear glasses. All because he realises that he's actually Draco and can't be a nice guy.

Is anyone going to point out that this was contrived in the most contrived of ways to make it obviously uncontrived contrivedness?

I know. Drives me up the wall.