
I'm confused, are you agreeing with me or disagreeing?

What I thought.

Except he came back and changed, and showed that he was living in a product of his family's making, not of his own choices.

Got no clue what you're watching if you think that.

A-hole Mon-El? How about b—-h Kara? Mon-El has done nothing but try to change for the better and Kara treats him like dirt.

Supergirl doesn't have a Mon-El problem, it has a Kara problem.

Rhea and her family have never cared for her people. Seeing millions of her people die and her son die fair enough, but she only "cared" about her son and that doesn't give her the right to try to kill the woman that he so clearly loves to bring him back to her.

Yet another reason why I hope no-one goes out with you.

So, you got dumped because you put red pepper on her food and she didn't want red pepper on her food that day, is that a good reason?

I very much think she or anyone else has any and every right to stop dating someone they choose, but not for any reason. For a GOOD reason. You're not the only one in the relationship. You shouldn't just stop dating someone without a good reason.

I'm glad I don't date YOU. If you think that this is still Mon-El's fault then you need a brain check.

Ok, I went into this, hating it because I didn't want to see a random musical episode simply because people wanted our heroes to break out into song. I didn't see how it'd fit, didn't see the point.

"You're special" "Yes, I am" DAFUQ? How can anyone support Kara after that statement?

Ok, Ollie is stupid on so many levels, and so is the episode.

The Arrowverse is starting to fall into MCU Avengers territory. Barry is facing an invasion of a super-smart, super strong gorilla army whose leader even HE can't beat for any extended period of time.

Nah, Trump's been on vacation and he's not done jack except cause havoc. THAT is why he gets it for his vacations.

I don't understand how you got that from him simply ordering a steak the way he likes it? I want to be rich but if I eat a steak I'm not gonna eat it raw and if I liked ketchup I'd probably eat it with ketchup.

Well, at least he doesn't eat it brown with salmonella in the middle.

I know why Thea did what she did, and she's right to do something, she's not right to do what she did, because it realy IS too far.

The one problem I have with shows like this getting political, and not realistic, is that I fall on one side of the debate. Firmly.