Matt Baen

Please justify an international sanctions & divestment movement directed at no other nation. Or do you also favor such a movement against China (Tibet), Turkey (Kurds) etc.?

I'm not going to argue that everything Israel does or has done is wonderful. (And let me know if you think that the 200,000 Jews expelled from Arab countries in the wake of the founding of Israel should get their property back. No? OK then.)

The real story is that aid organizations and NGOs are on the divestment bandwagon because obviously Israel is the world's evilest pariah state. From the perspective of Eurotrash with family wealth built on expropriation of Holocaust victims and dumbass undergrads majoring in Chomskyism.

"At least, it would be nice if you were silent, because it’s fun for the rest of us to pretend that the Super Bowl is one big, dumb party with the whole United States in attendance."

But the author cares, doesn't he? Because it ruins his feeling that we're all one big happy community enjoying the game.

How about the author of the above article?

Yes! Exactly.

This article will be recognized as a milestone: the moment The Onion/AV Club irrecoverably tipped over into bro-ness.

You're right; it's becoming another dick site instead of a place where topics are actually intelligently discussed.

You're right: the linkbait title, the asinine conventional wisdom disguised as a contrarian reflex, the scolding of a large proportion of its readers. But somehow it also has a non-Gawker douchebro flavor.


Nope. I'll say this: the AV Club has gone to hell since those guys left for Dissolve.

Here's the difference:

I don't give a shit about your apathy.

Sorry, Comrade, to soil your collectivist vision of a unified nation fixated on a single great event, merged into a single organism or perhaps organ - a superbowel.

1. Listicle: The Movie

It's nice to see that the unwashed flotsam - that is people, like me, who aren't professional critics - champion 'genre' (sci-fi/fantasy/superhero/horror) that don't have at least a faint shellacking of highbrow. How many critics' lists did Catching Fire and Pacific Rim appear on? I would trust the popular reception

Mostly the same critical darlings, but nice to see a list in which Computer Chess is ahead of 'looks great but not as smart as it thinks it is' Upstream Color. Frances Ha feels like Baumbach assimilating some of the lessons of mumblecore; also, aren't there enough movies about the coming of age of aspiring members of

Boy, you guys know how to stretch out the annual 'best of' into a month-long listicle festival.

The Croods.