Matt Baen

So much for Oz Game of Thrones, Marco Polo Game of Thrones, Hudson Bay Game of Thrones, Beowulf Game of Thrones, Medici Game of Thrones (all three of them), Highlands Game of Thrones, Wars of the Roses Game of Thrones (meta!)…

Portlandia. Dexter. The Hard Times of RJ Berger. Dirt.

The Oslo scene did to metal what Skrewdriver did to skinhead. Redefined part of it, turned it into Nazi shit. Yes, there were still other kinds around. And the thing that sucks is that some of the music was pretty good (well, in Skrewdriver's case, when they were still punks). Metal became more compromised because the

Boooo! Twilight fucking rules. Time for a Life & Death adaptation. Also the correct ranking is:
Breaking Dawn 2
New Moon
Breaking Dawn 1

Fun facts: the original play was called Heaven Can Wait. (The 30s movie Heaven Can Wait is based on a different play called Birthday.) The pseudo-sequel to Here Comes Mr. Jordan, Down to Earth, inspired Xanadu, which shares a character (played in both by Gene Kelly) with Cover Girl. The movie Angel On My Shoulder,

This is the moment that the salutary movement for inclusive body image in pop culture died - through being discredited by clueless zealotry.

I think it's forgotten sometimes with the more accurate popular rewriting of punk history by Gen X that there were indeed stupid, pointlessly violent, truly self-destructive punks, just like there were thoughtful, creative, socially conscious punks. And then there were a lot of people who were sort of there and

I hate that impregnated by 'sailors who they kill' concept. Everything has to be debunked or revised in a lurid or ugly way in the post-Iron Age comics era, as if it's unsophisticated to accept Themyscira comics mythology as it existed in Golden & Silver Age.

Things I don't like about Morrison's WW, based on various excerpts and reviews (haven't read it):
- WW curiously handling Trevor's junk like she has no manners nor social skills
- graphic prolonged sexual humiliation of Hippolyta (unnecessary to make point)
- WW has Hercules' genetic material, which makes her stronger (I

I have to give the series credit. For the first half of season 2 it seemed to be directionless and lacking focus (I sound like a guidance counselor). But then it started coming together, and today it went from a series nadir (Joe & Cameron back? Ugh!) to a high point (Cameron uses Joe - and Gordon, indirectly - to

I can't imagine why anyone would think season 2 is better than 1. 1 had the nervous momentum of a postpunk song, the alienated focus of a cyberpunk novel, and the austere look of an early 80s home computer. 2 has Mutiny's meandering story led by Donna and Cameron - while the 'partners in crime' moments like the

"Bruce, your family company is the Umbrella Corporation."

It has a lot of potential - Constantine is the original Supernatural/Sleepy Hollow after all - but the writers don't trust the audience. It's one thing to have too much exposition to explain mystical backstory, but it's another thing to spoonfeed motivation and character. "So that's why you're a dick - when you fight

Dawn was the most infuriating antagonist because unlike the Governor's charismatic psychopathy or Terminus monster cannibals, she was the most recognizable and common form of human evil: moral weakness deluded that it's strength, doing what it needs to in order to get the job done. Dawn was presiding over a rape gulag

I hate it when plots are driven by stupidity. Sasha was so easily and completely gulled. Why keep Eugene, a liar who has gotten several people killed, alive? A prisoner exchange with a police gulag is less risky than a surprise raid? No; it just complexifies the process since procuring and managing prisoners is itself

So they've gone full circle, from imitating shitty, cheap-looking commercials to becoming one. In hindsight, it's the inevitable completion of the cycle. At three minutes it's two minutes too long, but I guess that's part of the shitty aesthetic.

This show has improved greatly, but I hate the way Barbara is used solely as an obstacle to Jim. She wants to know everything. She doesn't want to go. She comes back. She is a bigger thorn in Jim's side than Falcone or Penguin. Maybe writers could have her save his life, or do something other than be a wrench in his

Traces of Stooges 'I Wanna Be Your Dog'. Anyway, good & ahead of its time.

What do you consider Palestinian lands? The West Bank and Gaza? Or Israel proper? Because to a lot of organized anti-Israel activism, it's all an illegitimate occupation.

So you would end the participation of performing artists, academics, NGOs in (how many?) countries with displaced minorities and/or disputed sovereign areas? Well, at least you're consistent.