Mark Davis's Barber

“It’s lazy as hell. It doesn’t forward car design, even Lamborghini design, one bit. It brings nothing new to the table.”

*Checks Mustang sales

Please explain.

Again - shortsighted.

“America is rich, therefore we can do whatever we want” is ignorant and shortsighted. Inflation is real, devaluation is real, and bond maturity dates are real. How is the federal government going to support EV infrastructure when 1/3 of the budget is going towards interest?

Exactly. What is the difference between killing people at 85 and killing people at 120? Instead restriction by regulating speed, how about mandatory training for those who purchase a vehicle that performs at a certain level.

PS5 will still get Part 2 before XBox gets Part 1. 

Uuuuuh, have you seen the last three seasons? All the three worst seasons ever. 

I would like to see it as a system where you increase your Force abilities and meter through puzzle and mission completion, not an XP escalation system triggered by combat. Then, when in combat your Force meter activates and depletes when in use like Cal is getting fatigued. This would be more in alignment with how we


But is this level of criticism elite?


Wait, nevermind. This ally abandonment doesn’t have a scope. 

Maybe it’s because true equality doesn’t require the exploration of complex gender dynamics. Just let her be a badass like the rest of the boys. 

Spend a lot of time in the region of the world do ya? Or are you just regurgitating what you saw on Vice?

A suppressed population does not have the freedom to think like innovators. That is how you end up with this and every other piece of “Chinese technology”.

Why does anyone in the US that doesn’t have financial skin in the game care about the NBA’s image abroad? Any sports writer that does so is self-serving as I doubt the average NBA fan approves of (or gives much thought to) pandering to the Chinese government so the league can keep a healthy bottom line.

Someone from Washington State using homelessness as a talking to point to elevate a separate agenda while not actually caring about homeless people? Weird.

US parades are invasions. 

“It’s so easy for us to blame and shame because everyone has a voice now,” he said. “A lot of them can just be nameless, faceless comments that are very difficult for people.”

Joe Paterno didn’t want to talk about it either....