
I would try it if they had an app for windows phone. :(:(

Me gustaría visitar esta parada. Me encanta los legos, pero no me gusta montarlos.

No lo sabía.

I sure hope that person from the stock photo doesn't get those parts cut off. They would die.

I just don't get to whom they are trying to appeal...

Tendrán Apple brindar asistencia para orientación horizontal como orientación vertical.


Yo trabajaba por Best Buy, y muchos dejaron el iPhone por otros teléfonos a causa de el tamaño del iPhone. Creo que mucha gente especialmente gente vieja compraría un iPhone más grande.


Dicen que el mejor camera es lo que lleva con ud... Es verdadero evidentemente.

Primero la Luna tiene velocidades más altas que yo y ahora el ISS. :( att uverse :(.

reYo recuerdo usando un app similar para Windows cuando tenía XP llamada Window Blinds. Pasaba mucho tiempo cambiando las temas, pero ellos eran un poco raros. Esto es mejor, pero $19 es un poco caro.

Going to have to disagree with you slightly. Average users are completely scared of windows 8. It was too big of a transition for them, many of them coming off of XP. I think the Windows 9 concept is a better blend, especially for users without a touch screen who use desktop apps only.

I disabled Kinect on my XB1 because when I was watching a movie or tv show it would think I was waving my hands and try to stop the video. I never have used the voice search, so I don't feel like in would miss the Kinect if I didn't have it.

Centripetal force FTW!

Any word on when it's coming to Synology?

How would this apply to search engines?

I've heard fingerprint scanners are pretty cool. *cough* gs5 *cough* 5s *cough*