
Finally! I've been getting dual notifications even though I turned chat off in the main app on Nokia 1020. I <3 messenger. Side note: Astro messenger for Facebook on Mac is baller.

I appreciate the effort. ;)

ummm... I guess Windows Phone didn't have any cool apps this week. :( Facebook Beta has been out forever, though.

**that it would change your favorite genre of music to Pop. Also, entering comments on WP8 seems to be not working well.

Definitely thought at firsmakes your favorite music pop mean t

If they really wanted to, they could specify by screen size. It's not that hard to change by pixel width.

Dear Twitter,

Does this mean my Farmville coins that I bought with real money are taxable as well? When I trade virtual sheep can they tax that as well?


I can see an actual use for Google Glass with her. She could take photos with her voice. :D

If they had really wanted to promote it, they should have had someone jump from space again or something...

This has nothing to do with the post and is definitely offensive...


Music apps? Maybe as a remote, but I don't want music playing from a watch. I especially don't want other people's music playing from their watches...

Don't leave. I'll miss you! The new kinja is shit, though.


Why wouldn't they just make it bluetooth instead of relying on an adapter that they may change? Also, what if you don't have an iPhone? Does your car become worthless?

I've never seen The Matrix.

It's BIGGER than the GS4??? Why?