I really think it has. The only time I've seen it over the past 5 years is when it's preceeded by "I think you mean"
I really think it has. The only time I've seen it over the past 5 years is when it's preceeded by "I think you mean"
This is why you’re shadowbanned.
You’re definitely right, the predatory business practice aspect of this is ALSO very gross, and I have 0 doubt that Hinge (et. al) is really doing it. This article probably just should have been framed differently.
I mean I sympathize with your friend and all, but “I’ve been SHADOWBANNED because the girls the app is showing me aren’t HOT ENOUGH” is like... very gross
Now show all the kids who have transitioned successfully and happily and will testify that it literally saved their lives. (I can think of two I know personally right off the top of my head).
She knows it doesn’t mean that only Black people can watch those movies and eat from those restaurants, right?
This is the best car mount I have ever used.
This is the best car mount I have ever used.
Este timo de la estampita me recuerda a los cables HDMI de 30 euros con recubrimiento de oro y no sé que pol las que funciona tan inmojorablemente bien como el cable HDMI de 4€ de los chinos...
2046 será eso ;)
ya existe piratebay en la red onion
Yo quiero apuntarme a una secta que proporcione el servicio de 72 jóvenes agraciadas (no imprescindible que todas sean vírgenes), pero ANTES de morirme, por si acaso.
O puedes usar otras como Geo Unlock, basada en la geolacalización, que te permite usarla sin pagar un duro.
ja ja ja... en estos tiempos... hasta los dildos traen malware...
Cuevana es flash, y si la app no es smart dudo que tenga navegador :P
Por eso especifiqué que en el caso de Syno el precio debería estar en torno a los $200. Hasta donde sé, en los modelos Intel sí hace transcoding :)
Ayer mismo escuché por la radio mientras desayunaba, "tras descubrirse que la mujer calcinada en un piso cerca de Sol fue estrangulada, la investigación ha dado un giro de 360 grados"...
El resultado de la imagen, no está en el equipo que se use; sino en el ojo del fotógrafo que la saque.
The primary piece of advice needed to be said here though is this: you cannot break the laws of physics, no matter what Dr. Bose or the kid at Best Buy will tell you. No amount of sub-woofer trickery, magic computer modeling, and "innovative materials" will get little tiny cubes to sound like real music or movies…