Boba Frett

King said he wished he’d thought of that ending.

One of the most messed up endings I’ve ever seen. It’s a tough but good film. The breakdown of humanity in an enclosed space was well done. But that ending...It's horrifying but probably one of the most memorable.

Based on the 2008 version of the Guardians of the Galaxy and while not a straight adaptation, really make for a fun story.

Perhaps they’re all gathered in one place? No - seriously. Think back to episode 2 or so of the parent show. Rick was running around downtown Atlanta, more or less zed free until he rounded that one corner and WHAM! Sea of undead.

Well from the way they show Downtown in this show sort of on the horizon, it’s possible that this neighborhood is 10-15 miles from the core Metro area, where many of the walkers would be. That would explain the armored escort to the hospital and how San Diego mentioned his unit was “pretty banged up.” He didn’t want

I took “Cobalt” to mean extermination of everyone - the hospital AND those inside the fence. It wasn’t clear either way, but the look on Boyfriend’s face seemed to indicate it could include everyone.

I’m so hyped to go into this movie more or less unspoiled. :)

And once again, I’m amazed at how tight a lid they have over this movie. We know the three leads, a couple of villains, a ship or two, the three droids, and... what else? Luke, Han and Leia are in it, but we don’t know how they fit in. We know that Luke’s old lightsaber is in it, but we don’t know why. Vader’s melted

Found Footage. One of the worst offenders I know:

Now playing

The obsession with explaining why things happened or how characters evolved.

The Kingsman church scene was the first to wow me in a long time.

(Watches trailer)

Jessica Jones story is tragic and awesome.. she tried being a super hero, got turned into a mentally controlled puppet by Killgrave (AKA Purple Man) and... nobody noticed. He degraded and humiliated her. It’s never been explicitely stated that he sexually abused her, but it’s been implied.

It’s a Marvel product. It’s going to get attention regardless of the name. Also, people try to figure out what a show or film is about before they watch regardless of what the name sounds like.

And somehow people still consider Parker a loser despite the women he’s dated, married, and sataniclly divorced.

And thanks to the muliple reboots of Spidey the chronology no longer lines up so you won’t get this:

I never realized those were all meant to be breasts. And I say that as someone who saw Jedi in the theater (and dozens of times thereafter).