
I was gonna go see that movie, but then i found out some random dude on breitbart isn’t attracted to Brie Larson, so i gave it a pass

Right back at you GOP. 

This fruitcake makes all of us gays look bad.  Glad to see he’s at least reaping what he sowed.

“...his honesty” Please stop confusing “honesty” with “he’s willing to say the racist things out loud that I am too chickenshit to say out loud myself’.

He owns some cars too. I’d like to see him do a fucking oil change.

Oh yeah? If it’s true that being around something for a long time means that you’re an expert on it, then why is it I still have don’t have any idea how my wife’s g-spot works?

I’m sure if Donny Smallhands© had a golf course there he’d feel differently.

As a professional illustrator this offends me on so many fucking levels.

Old folks. They send back food for being “too hot” as if a batch cooked soup waiting to be ladled can be made cooler; they send back shit for being “too cold” ornot bland enough”; if they are on blood thinners they will ask you to turn on the heat on a humid, 80 degree day in a restaurant filled with other diners enj

“In 2018, White House and security clearance officials affirmed that Mr. Kushner’s security clearance was handled in the regular process with no pressure from anyone. That was conveyed to the media at the time, and new stories, if accurate, do not change what was affirmed at the time,” Lowell’s spokesman Peter

The White House is forming a working group of “scientists” to cast doubt on the impacts of climate change.

“fist day”

Yes. The incredible irony of a news site reporting prominent news. 

Hamilton, this is a soup spoon. It’s meant for consuming liquid or mostly liquid foods.

Has anyone informed Nick that he and his classmates will be deposed?

When you’re asking for that much money, it would be a good idea to have lawyers a lot more competent than these two do it for you.....

This is not a prank. This is a transparent scam.

Yeah, this is almost Logan Paul level BS. I only hope that couple at the bar never find out that they were played by this asshat. There’s enough cynicism in the world naturally, we don’t need anyone generating any extra through artifice.

What an asshole. He took up a server’s time so he could try to get a free pity steak? I hope he tipped his server well.