I like the “I’m having a severe aneurysm as I type this" closer you've got there.
I like the “I’m having a severe aneurysm as I type this" closer you've got there.
The student was later charged with disruption of a school facility
boy there is not a single normal photo of roger stone huh
One of these days I will understand the mind of the sort of person who can watch more or less everyone in Trump’s orbit go down for shady—and in Stone’s case, borderline treasonous—shit, and still think that Der Trumpenfuhrer is clean.
One of these days I will likely also be suffering from a severe concussion. I…
Which intern posted that Parkland tweet?
Funny how this wasn’t a national emergency until the Democrats took control of the house.
“Of course he’s turning to his trusty team of professional talking heads for advice on how, exactly, to eat crow.”
Criticizing the US government, politicians, and policies does not make you anti-American.
“What she said is so deep-seated in her heart, that her lame apology, and that’s what it was, it was lame, and she didn’t mean a word of it, was just not appropriate.”
I’m now dumber for having read what she said.
Whenever I see things like this I wonder what is happening behind the scenes in DC. This feels like a distraction, is Jared or someone else about to be arrested?
I have no doubt she is lying and that this woman never once touched her.
I always want to give alleged victims the benefit of the doubt, but this woman lies for a living in support of a completely dishonest and evil administration.
I am calling this one even before the video comes out:
She also said she initially didn’t want to talk about the incident publicly because her daughter and other children were involved.
The Republicans never did this to President Obama
This is a preview of what we’re going to be hearing about constantly through the 2020 election. That Venezuela = Socialist and Socialist = Bad and Democrats = Socialist so by the transitive property if you vote for the Democratic nominee it means you want America to become Venezuela. And did you know there are…
Basked on my 6th grade experience here’s how this will gob