Four Sixty-Nine

I don’t know, is using Carmelo on defense ever a smart move?

Man, these Mexicans are showing up everywhere.  Now they’re taking jobs away from hardworking black gangbang workers.

Smart move on his part. Clearly lays the grounds for an insanity plea later on.

Including Melo in the Westbrook/George category as a black mark against Presti might be the most unforgivable thing in this entire rant. I mean does this guy even watch basketball? 

I think Sabathia is trying to communicate that whatever words caught Garcia’s attention were intended for home plate umpire Phil Cuzzi”

Rumor is that five people caught him, and they were furious. 

When you said “Grandmaster caught cheating in the bathroom” my first thoughts were of sympathy towards Mrs. Flash. 

Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:

+1 measly star

Did a bit of data analysis on Diaz a couple of weeks back, and it seems like the big issue is that, like a lot of guys who throw hard sliders this year, he’s lost the ability to consistently command his slider (seemingly due to the new ball), which is leading to hanging sliders (which get crushed) and guys sitting on

Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?

I’m literally going to Souplantation for lunch in half an hour, 8 soups no waiting, so this is perfect timing! Kevin gets my vote as his soups are mostly great choices, aside form gazpacho which is not a soup I’m passionate about in either direction. Kate only had one soup I liked, pozole. Dominick had a few good

The failure to include Italian Wedding invalidates this entire endeavor.

I was skeptical of butternut squash soup, too. It’s not great by itself, but works pretty well as a base if you’re willing to experiment. I use it to make this soup I like. (Butternut squash soup from the store, roasted tomato chunks, tomato paste, chicken broth, shredded poached chicken, black beans, corn, sauteed

Something I was told in law school by a professor in an entertainment law class has stuck with me for 25 years. He said that being a good lawyer is not about knowing all the answers, it’s about knowing the right questions to ask. You can pay people by the hour to look up the answers, but if one side knows the right

Some of us have been fiddlefucking away time on Gawker/GMG family of blogs for, in social media time, two generations. And even some of us are happy with one star on average per comment and a grey reply pointing out grammar or spelling errors. 

Why would they tease me with a name like “all access?”

Yes, EA is indeed responsible for a lot. 

Now you’re talking about the real Chex Mix — all three main Chex flavors (including Wheat) baked gently in an oven with nuts, butter, garlic powder, onion powder and Worcestershire sauce. Delicious, especially the little bits almost burned or melded together by sauce.  And NO BAGEL CHIPS.

I would like Chex Mix a lot more if it weren’t for the fact that I know what homemade Chex party mix tastes like. The bagged stuff just doesn’t compare.