Matthew Chaboud

Why am I not surprised that ex-LAPD’s first response is to threaten violence.

But colloquially, when people say “mid-engine,” they’re really talking about rear-mid. If they’re talking about front-mid, they’ll say “front-mid,” if they even bother distinguishing it from front-engine to begin with. The only time I’ve ever seen an exception is when some obnoxious car nerd says something like “the

Did they get it wrong tho?  I’d have got one for the lolz alone.

You can't call people sickos if 98% of people instantly think the same thing 

I found some footage on Tesla’s website:

Muxi lol

I think I’d be more interested in Boston Dynamics making horse sized drones that you could ride through the city than riding in a Muxi

the only Squirrel Girl choice to be honest.

I get what she’s saying and don’t entirely disagree, but I also think that problem is probably somewhat role specific. I don’t think Cate Blanchett had a bad time, for instance. Chris Eccleston might have though. I feel like she’s in a Daniel Radcliffe situation, where she made all that money at the beginning of her

Greta Gertwig Squirrel Girl movie starring K Stew.

Man I miss Gizmodo. 

Being anti-Likud and anti-IDF is, in fact, pro-Jewish. For almost the entirety of documented history, the Jewish people’s crimes have consisted of either “shit they didn’t actually do” or “being really good at the very small handful of things the local government let them do.”

Not even close to borderline antisemitism. Unlike your pro genocide attitude.

Seriously, what the hell is happening at Spyglass?

It was all so frustrating as to why it happened in the first place. Her comments were not antisemitic and to say a mistreatment of one group of people is hatred toward another is laughable.  I’m glad her career is able to move on because there are too many people in this situation that would not be able to experience

I hope her star raises for the next 10 to 20 years so she doesn’t have to return to Scream franchise for a last ditch effort payday. 

It seems equivalent to claiming that 4k video and VHS look the same...when viewed on a 40 year old CRT TV.

The problem is these files are large and hard to share on the internet.

Oh, OK then. I assume, then, that you are madly in love with all filmmakers’ work equally, and there is simply no film on earth that you don’t like. ‘Cause otherwise you’re a ridiculous hypocrite.

I love how you snuck in the Captain America: Civil War tweet in there just to see if we were paying attention.  =)