Matthew Chaboud

Hey... Look at that... Another reason that the only Toyota’s I’d consider buying are pre-2005 or made by BMW... and that’s saying something, because... BMW.  What an absolute shame to see.

The “Among Us Phone Case” game is going to be so on point for this thing.

Isn't left-foot braking how you help the vehicle veer back on course?  Just saying.  Do you even rally, bro?

There are Directors, VP’s, and SVP’s... Principal and Distinguished Engineers, etc. who have answered these sorts of questions in interviews. The interview process is a two-way street: the company learns things about the candidate, and the candidate learns things about the company.

Problem solving puzzles are a tiny portion of interviews at Amazon (and any other tech company I’ve encountered). They’re also not firmly indicative.  I’ve had people do poorly on problem solving questions and still get an offer, and I’ve had people absolutely dunk on problem solving and coding questions and not get

The joke’s on you. It gets warmer when I go south. By extrapolation I can determine that there is no snow at the south pole... Too warm...  Similar extrapolation leads to level 5 autonomy being feasible with current Model 3 sensing and compute hardware...  You heard it here first... Warm south pole.

Maybe just bury everyone responsible for this fake ticket practice in a shallow grave in the desert...

It’s called “engineering”. Just put your idea on a whiteboard in a public engineering space where nobody will fear reprisal, and leave it there for a week. You’ll come back to the inside voices.

Pro-tip: 98% of people are sickos.

Until someone cracks superluminal transfer of information, yes, yes it is. 

This just looks like a PSA for an admittedly important point: if you want to survive, pick up a camera, because the cameraman(woman) always survives.

That tweet is from 2024.  That dude absolutely knew what he was doing.  Here's hoping Germain was in on the bit with the inclusion (seems like it).

1. Some laptops perform better (brighter screen, higher clock speeds) when plugged in.

Stands up and flushes toilet twice...

This sucks. In case didn’t notice, April is forever away from now...

I’m going to go yell “fire” in a crowded theater and then sell magical flame proof blankets (that are actually made of wood pulp and wax) as a side gig.

I’m pretty sure that you just clicked on the architectural object insertion category on Pornhub...

I want to retract my previous criticism of Elon purchasing Twitter. I thought he was going to be an idiot, incapable of truly altering the course of Twitter, left to milk a slowly dying business.

Hopefully the “banned from Lyft” kind?

This is the sort of thing that I would have *loved* five years ago, regularly working in bright sunlight or in power-starved travel conditions. These days, though, with a power-sipping Macbook Pro with an ultra-bright screen, I’m a bit less motivated to jump on something like this... A dedicated reader device is