Matthew Chaboud

While we think that advertisers just like to waste money and all that, it’s extremely cost prohibitive to mine recorded audio data, especially when current methods are extremely efficient and good at what they do. Just about all of the weirdly specific advertising you get is due to where you’re at/where you’ve been

I work in digital advertising and yes, obviously this is a myth (or I’d be using it). It happens to me now and again as well - it’s just a coincidence. Sometimes it’s because whoever you were with has used your wifi to do a search or whatever.

Respectfully, no I don’t feel that way at all. There are always parts that are expensive and easy to steal on cars. It’s not the manufacturers fault. You want cheap parts that no one wants to steal, go buy a used junker.

Porsche’s official factory parts catalog the front fenders are each around $500 while the fender liners are upwards of $200.

Because sometimes you want to drive a nicer car than the airman who just made E3 but is still living in base housing.


You know what?  It’s not an attractive car.  It looks like a fish.  There, I said it.

Maybe we as a culture could eventually get over body taboos, and move the conversation onto more important topics like consent?

Well Dan - you loaded the ball smasher 5000, primed it, armed it, then measured and made sure it would hit you right in the jimmies - then stood on it and pushed the ‘go’ button.  ‘OH MY GOSH HOW COULD THIS SMASH ME IN THE BALLS’ - no one thought that - not one time.  This guy worked for NASA?

Even better start an EV company and have them be ICE vehicles and declare that they get unlimited range.

I’m so fucking tired of this asshole and his puffed up sense of self-importance.

I’m very ready for that company to be run by a CEO who’s only the normal level of awful. I suspect their shareholders are, too, but who knows


I’m going to start an EV company and declare that my cars get unlimited range.

Elon Musk proving once again that he’s an idiot that doesn’t understand anything, much less the first amendment.

“False advertising is protected by the first amendment” seems like a tough sell. Imagine how much worse things will be if they win this case?

“I just don’t like anything that creates a lords and peasants kind of thing.”

This is 100% wrong. Unions are needed because workers need to be looking out for themselves.

Taking good care? Who decides what is good care? Musk? In USA they have high injury rates, long hours, and below-industry pay in all Tesla US factories. Musk has been blocking all efforts of unionizing. I don’t think Muck takes good care of his workers.

That’s what the National Socialists said when they banned independent unions and folded the workers into a state run union. Strength through Joy. All fine until the company decides it isn’t going to treat the workers splendidly because business cycle or investor greed - just ask anyone who worked for a family owned