Matthew Chaboud

No. Nope nope nope. Being critical of Israel’s brutal colonialism is NOT the same as being anti-semitic. It’s bullshit. They’re fucking horrific people no matter where they’re from. This is insanity.

So calling out a government that has ministers who have legitimately advocated dropping a nuclear bomb on civilians, and demanded the complete eradication of a people is anti-semitic now? One of the Israeli ministers had his pregnant wife removed from a maternal ward because there was a Palestinian woman there as

her Instagram stories which have been perceived as anti-Semitic.

Israel did fund Hamas, Bibi has openly talked about this, and has been documented.

Glad someone thought of this.  I’m Wayne Brady, bitch!!!

Luckily for the person arrested, it happened in California, where the laws are made up and the charges don’t mean anything.

I say have a whole new party of characters, but played by the same actors. Some of the characters should be nearly identical from the actor’s previous one — “You’re playing a rogue again?” — while others should be completely different.

Definitely make another D&D movie.

Figure-8 tracks then.

“...a $500 “general admission” ticket, featured no views of the track itself; instead, you’d hang out with a bunch of other F1 fans in a convention center and watch the race on TV.”

Blogger, not journalist.

There were 4 plans proposed.

Now playing

Okay, let me give some context. (all the trails featured in this video are now closed as of this saturday)

I’m surprised no one has gotten shot over this yet.

Plenty common in WA State, and sometimes even using the shoulder as a lane. 

Lane splitting at reasonable speeds in backed up/stop and go traffic is only dangerous if don’t have experience on two wheels with the risk of being rear-ended by the distracted driver behind you.

First world problems. Take a shot of brandy and call it a night.

What am I supposed to to listen to?  My own thoughts?  Fuck that.

Also, the state of Florida just granted Universal Studios the same sort of tax district that they stripped Disney of.

You misread my comment. Yes we need sleep. But we don't need white noise to sleep. Falling asleep to a podcast or noise of some sort is bad for you.