Matthew Chaboud

This bill makes no sense. Ever hear of a lathe and a mill? How about CNC? Those seem highly unregulated. Want to check my ID when I buy a screwdriver? I could use it on a machine that might someday make something destructive. You can never be too sure! Think of the children.

I used to think that intentional sabotage was just a ridiculous conspiracy theory, but if he was simply an idiot, at least some of his ideas would randomly turn out beneficial, or at least harmless. This is approaching “getting zero on a multiple choice test” level of failure, which is extremely unlikely to happen by

What kind of driver speeds off when they hear a “thump” on the back end of one’s car? I thought it was instinct to stop and see what you just hit (or hit you), maybe figure out if you’re responsible...this driver just bailed?  Fireable offense, IMO.

I got a friend of mine where if this happened, there’d be a report for a missing Lyft driver shortly thereafter.

This is 100% on the driver, in my opinion. Could’ve been a cat, could’ve been a laptop computer, could’ve been a purse filled with $10,000 in cash, could’ve been a sleeping infant, could’ve been a Stradivarius. Doesn’t really matter — the driver took off with the fare’s property, obviously figured it out fairly

The Honda Civic, especially the Wagon:

Setting the tone early

Hybrid Element with a slot for the new Motocompo

Ugh, no, but I’d happily race somebody in reverse around a autocross track as long as we don’t have strict rules about seating position.

Sadly the standards for what it takes to become a cop have been lowered repeatedly. At this point I think they will accept anyone who has a pulse and can squeeze a trigger.

We had a case about ten years ago where the cop was shooting before he had even stopped his car. At a 12yo. He is still on duty, never got in any trouble.

Notice how when he turned himself in, he is wearing long sleeves. No longer proud of his cool arm tattoos?

It’s a damn shame the cops had to wear those body cameras. Ruins all their lies. I don’t see how you can be confused between Irizarry being outside the vehicle and lunging at the cop with a knife and Irizarry sitting in the driver’s seat. These aren’t even close to the same thing.

That was my first thought, too. The fact that the cops blatantly lied about this shooting is somehow a footnote in many of these conversations.

The degree to which society has normalized the “well, the cops obviously lied about the shooting, but it’s not that big a deal, let’s focus on what happened here” attitude is really amazing.

That was an execution.

“And when police officers ordered him to show his hands, he instead produced a weapon and pointed it at an armed police officer,” he continued.“

Say that in court, to the judge, councilor.  I dare you.

Murder. Straight up.

Biggest gang in the country strikes again.

Well, that dude telling him to stop on the tape can kiss his career goodbye, cops hate other cops who tell them to obey the law.