Matthew Chaboud

I was all hot to get an Element back when my kid was two, so I asked a friend with a kid at his preschool what she thought of hers. She said she’d loved the idea right up until she tried to get a car seat into the thing while parked perpendicularly. The rear hinges doors made for this comical dance of open, shift,

The Honda Civic, especially the Wagon:

The cop’s attorney called it murder, likely in an attempt to set up a straw man.

If you guys haven’t tried rear view camera racing, you’re missing out.

Back in so it’s easier to pull out?

I'd wager centripetal acceleration + caster trail == the bike corrects for tilt by steering into the fall, like a rider. I'd bet that a bike welded straight does worse. Also, rounded tires mean greater rotational velocity from a reduced radius when falling == natural tendency towards conservation of rotational