
Awake Donald! arise! the hour is late!

I’m Not Really Sure Why This Guy Walked Through A Car To Cross The Street But, Well, He Did

this legend begs to differ:


for some, “the stranger.”

i appreciate your transparency.

this is a good take.

yeah, but you have facial features and a personality - two things that a-rod is unburdened by, and you cant have burgled.

dont get three doors down, adam.

Now playing

there wasnt anyone, just the damnable chair.

yes sir.

i’ll add exotic dancers to this list - they are always divulging their real names to me.

i lost my virginity to fantastic beasts and where to find them in 4dx.

if you feel like jackin’, reach for jill.

youre telling me this guy talks to his hand?

half as better.

suga is clearly not your bias.

background checks.