
17 of you should check your clueless privilege - whilst leaping of a bridge, if i might make a small suggestion.

History has nothing to do with this.

remind us again when white folks were denied, oh, i dunno, anything, because of the color of their skin?

Dateline THEROOT, Internet, February 8

as did i:

that dude looks like jeff bezos’ dick.

you get me.

only if his head has made room for it, i suspect.

How does semi-erect manhood penetrate a zipper?

he was front and center when that president was obama, of course.

well, if nothing else, we’ve established that you and i define funny way differently.

sorry, i just really miss your sister.

sorry, it got cut off, allow me to repost:

100% photoshopped. 


you could, and i’m just spitballing here, try again.

oh, we can see it - but you clearly went overboard on the flash.