
while i still don’t get agent, i will admit to feeling pretty damn provoked right now.

all cats are girls, are dogs are boys, then they kiss and get married.

it could be worse, you could want it for breakfast.

ashley - if you don’t see the shack, take it back.

yes or no question, elon: have you stopped crying yet?

harron is like tajin - more makes everything better.

there’s a part of me that feels this is really a story about Miss Mercedes and her adoration of smarts and now cycles, but the names and vehicles were changed to protect the innocent.

Yes please I am on board 

my local wendy’s, however, still has it at half staff.

i just checked with my priest, my accountant and my spirit animal, and they all agree - i could not love your username more.

true true - but how about junkets, morning shows, late night, radio, etc?

you havent seen any of these out on your city streets?

But McCarthy?

the one gig i think i’ve been practicing for all of my life.

saw the title, expected the tag:

true - technically, its a territory of kenya.

I have authorized an emergency disaster declaration to provide Hawaii the necessary support ahead of #HurricaneLane. Our teams are closely coordinating with the state and local authorities. You are in our thoughts!