false - just wear two at a time.
false - just wear two at a time.
100% agreed - and you’re a good person, you would never hate on someone because they chose a&p over wegmans - i got you!
i pronounce publix like pewblicks, and i have no regrets.
because thats not where he was?
although it’s not clear whether he picked up anyone else’s tab while he was at it.
Nerdy glasses?
you wouldn't say that if you saw the way i was working these joggers, flyknits and scalloped hem tee.
thats margarets, justjennie.
i tried once, i didn’t work, it did feel right.
the whole page is worth reading, if for nothing more than an acidic palate cleanser, but here’s the specific act.
is that a little spicy like the hot chocolate? i’ll take it!
thats on me - my life was completely subsumed by comic-con, i havent even been posting on jez.
unrelated: when are we having lunch?
thats lord disick, hannah.
still, he’s an essential part of many cocktails...so he’s got that going for him.
man, was that guy ever appropriately named.
the scorpions tried to warn him, but he wouldn’t listen.
i was scared to look - even peking seemed too risky.