
You spoony bard

This is true, but it doesn’t mean that things can’t ever change. When a Democrat can win a Senate seat in Alabama (barely, but wtv), then clearly there’s a point beyond which even the reddest areas of the country will stop voting for things which are indefensible.

It’s not a bad idea, but a bunch of 2nd amendment nuts will freak out about big brother. I mean, making it harder for disturbed individuals to get their hands on assault rifles is CLEARLY a good fucking idea and even that’s too much for the gun lobby.

“Are you in or are you out?”

As a non-Pats fan, the fact that this guy might be in charge of the post-Brady era just because Bob Kraft doesn’t like the Colts is pretty fucking hilarious

I’ve been to Boston as a fan of a visiting team. The fans were obnoxious (even the nice ones were insufferable), but besides that Boston’s a pretty cool city with a ton of stuff to do and see.

This is the same Josh McDaniels who was a complete disaster as HC in Denver right? The Josh McDaniels who was fired before finishing his second season? The guy who traded Cutler for Kyle Orton and drafted Tim Tebow?

I always find that fake crowd so fucking weird. I’d like to see a video from somebody at the game of them being brought out as the stage is being set up. And then I assume being packed into a couple of buses immediately after the performance and being sent back to wherever they came from

The French Canadian call was much better than the France-French version:

The French Canadian call was better, as in at least the announcer actually made a call instead of just repeating the word “incroyable!”

Sick of having to wait in traffic with 70,000 other people every time you go to a football game? We’ve got a league just for you!

This is all true, but if a rival league was able to poach the top college stars by, you know, actually paying them money, people might tune in. Imagine if you had two quarterbacks projected to go top-10 in the NFL draft facing each other in an XFL playoff game. I might actually watch that. It’s definitely more

If I was a senile millionaire who for whatever reason was determined to start my own football league, I’d create an alternative to college football. We’d sign 5-star recruits right out of high school and allow them to actually earn a living wage, plus whatever advertisement deals they were able to negotiate. At the

Yeah and all of them make more than NHL players. And NHL players make a lot more than I do. They still shouldn’t be thrilled that their share of total revenue has dropped from 55% to 40%.

1) Sports franchises shouldn’t operate in the same way as other businesses. If your favorite team misses the playoffs this year but also announces record profits, would you consider this a successful season? Of course a team’s owner expects to profit off of his/her investment, but they should not pocket extra

Yeah but plenty of MLB teams have been horseshit for years with nothing to show for it. “Tanking” in the sense of intentionally finishing near the bottom of the league in order to get higher draft picks is not a viable strategy in baseball. The rate of return on a top-5 pick isn’t much better than on picks 10-20, at

This is a crazy theory but hear me out:

If losing a playoff game to Mark Sanchez’s Jets didn’t drive him to suicide, I doubt anything will. 

The last time my hometown team won a championship I was seven years old. A lot of my friends like to give me shit because of this, but it doesn’t bother me because I have memories of moments like this. That game was fucking insane. It looked for sure that a team that always chokes was going to choke again, and then

This was the first full Case Keenum game I’ve watched. I was expecting a game manager, which he definitely was not. He generally looked pretty good but made some horrible decisions in the second half. That interception up ten in the third quarter was inexcusable, and he almost threw another one in the fourth that