
I remember hockey “analystDon Cherry always used to be yelling about two-goal leads as well. Whenever a team lost that was up by two he’d say “you see folks, what do I always say about those two goal leads?” but was suspiciously quiet when a team didn’t blow a two-goal lead, which is like 95% of the time.

Besides being impossible to enforce, would tougher tampering rules actually stop players from signing in big markets? How much tampering does it take to convince somebody that it’s better to play in a cool city with star players than in a boring city with shitty players?

I’m a Raptors fan. A coworker told me today that he thinks the Raptors will win as long as they can stop Steph Curry from scoring so many goals. I was thinking of him specifically when I said “hockey bros” but I feel like it’s a pretty apt description for a lot of bandwagon Toronto fans.

I feel like most NHL arenas probably would, although that’s hardly an excuse.

I notice you left out NHL. Half of the “Raptors” fans in Toronto are hockey bros who have never watched an entire basketball game until a few weeks ago.

If you trust FIFA to “randomly” draw up those brackets I’ve got a Qatari bridge to sell you

He also played at Stanford so maybe he just wanted to come back to the Bay Area?

Did you also boo Boggs, Clemens, Damon and Ellsbury, or is there something specific about Youkilis that made you hate him? I loathe the Red Sox and Yankees equally, so I’m legitimately wondering. I don’t think there’s a more despicable human being alive today than Roger Clemens and NYY fans accepted him with open arms

It’s a long three months between the Superbowl and consequential playoff games. I need something to be invested in while I drink alone.

Leaving aside the question of whether or not Jews are white, I recently had a lovely conversation with a Jewish uncle of mine who tried to convince me that black people are genetically predisposed to be criminals.

Yeah, the lack of NHL talent in this tournament plus the Habs being an absolute fucking joke this year means I’ve watched more curling over the past two weeks than in the rest of my life combined.

The word is schadenfreude. It’s how the rest of the world feels about your president. Also who cares, this was basically a beer league team anyway. I’m still super pissed off about the curling though.

Mid-80's Flair could read the phone book and it would be compelling. It’s also gotta be pretty hard writing for Reigns since he doesn’t have much personality. By far the best promo he ever cut was after mania when he stood there and said nothing for literally five minutes.

I’m not a huge fan of Finn’s either, but he really hasn’t gotten any push since getting injured. If Reigns was a mid-carder like Balor I don’t think anybody would boo him, he’s just not good or entertaining enough to be main-eventing mania for the fourth freaking year in a row (assuming he fights Brock this year).

I think after that segment with the stand-up base he’s completely a face

Yeah that’s why I put “smart” in quotations.

Has anybody ever done a promo about how Lesnar only wrestles once every few months while his challengers are competing a couple of times every week? It would be a funny angle if a heel started whining about his workload in the buildup to a title shot. I’d love to see somebody like the Miz go on strike or intentionally

“Smart” wrestling fans hate Reigns because he has a very limited set of moves and virtually no charisma on the mic. The WWE still pushes him because he’s good looking and because he appeals to children.

Quebec isn’t hoarding weapons and openly declaring its desire to create a white ethno-state you fucking idiot