
Brady’s undeniably one of the best quarterbacks of this generation, but also fuck Tom Brady. If Rodgers or Brees or Manning played their whole careers in that system they’d probably have just as many rings. Hell, Rivers or Stafford or fucking Romo would most likely have a few.

What’s an even bigger farce is that the vikes were 5 1/2 point favorites. If they had actually kicked that completely pointless xp, a ton of money would have changed hands.

Legitimate question: has college football seen a comparable drop in ratings? If so, that would pretty much nullify any argument saying that ratings are decreasing because of anthem protests or other NFL-specific problems.

If you don’t give him credit for winning a championship because he inherited a good team, you have to give him points for building a contender in Oakland. The Raiders went 4-12 the year before Gruden took over.

Nah that’s just when you mop up during a fifteen minute intermission

Wait, MLB franchises aren’t allowed to trade draft picks, but there’s no rule against trading what is essentially cap space from their international signing pool?

As a recently-single slacker, reading this gave me a real confidence boost. I think I’ll go to a bar tonight and try to meet some.... naw fuck it, I’ll just play my ps4 and watch porn.

Milstein comes across as kind of a dumbass here since Galchenyuk is, as you pointed out, not actually Russian. But a lot of people in Montreal did notice that the team became much less Russian this offseason. I certainly felt that Andrei Markov, who has played for the Habs for fifteen years and was still very

Fantastic intro.

Okay but you only have a finite amount of guys in the pen. Burning through four relievers as a bridge between your starter and closer is fine as long as you close out the game.

A lot of bullpens can look elite if they only need 6-9 outs to close out a game, it’s a lot tougher if you need them to get 15+. Especially in the NL, since the decision to pull a pitcher is also be dictated by what happens when you’re at bat. It was a completely baffling move.

Seriously though, what else do those two have in common? One’s a lifelong baseball executive and the other’s a businessman who bought a football team. Shapiro was brought in primarily to run the team more cost-effectively than his predecessor, while Snyder is famous for overspending on free agents.

I’ve got no horse in this race, but I really wanted LA to tie it up again because a) I didn’t want the game to end, and b) they would have had to put in Wood to start the 12th, since they had nobody left in the bullpen.

You might also be tempted to puke if you see Kiké Hernandez holding a trophy next week. Just take a deep breath and remember it’s pronounced “Kee-Kay.”  

I’m gonna start saying “football ball,” “baseball ball” and “basketball ball” just to see how people react. Thank you for making my weekend a little more interesting.

Montrealer here, in exactly the same boat as you.

It just so happens that the provinces that say soccer baseball are the ones that reliably vote for the Liberal party

You know what? It’s baseball played with a soccer ball, of course it’s fucking called soccer baseball.

Unless this happened on a boat I really don’t see what all the fuss is about

I’m not sure what that 5% service tax means. These things differ wildly depending on where you live, which makes it extra confusing. In most places, servers automatically pay taxes on a percentage of their sales even if they didn’t get a tip.