
He looks a hell of a lot more natural swinging a bat than he ever did throwing a football

Holy shit fuck the nhl. For years they tell us that they are commited to keeping the coyotes in glendale, even though anybody with half a brain can tell it’s never going to work. Then they somehow convince Las Vegas to pay them 500 MILLION DOLLARS to put another team in the desert. A few months later they admit that

Consider this: if the Coyotes had never existed, young Auston Matthews would have never developed an interest in hockey, the leafs would have drafted Laine first overall, and he’d make your pants tingle just as much.

Have you watched a hockey game in the past two years? Weber is still solid but he’s slow as shit and basically just stands in front of the net. He’s Hal Gill with a really good slapshot.

When he got traded I remember a lot of people pointing out that he only actually donated one million of his own money; he helped raise the rest through his foundation. The fact that he acted like he donated all of it proves that he was obsessed with the spotlight and thought he was bigger than the team. I guess a real

Okay the article was about progressive labour laws intended to deal with

Hey, Canada’s far from perfect. My only point is that we’re light years ahead of our neighbours to the south. If you prefer America’s gun control, health care and education systems to Canada’s, you and I view the world very differently and will just have to agree to disagree.

Canada recently went through nine years of conservative government while you North Mexicans enjoyed two terms of Obama. Despite this, we have universal health care, sane gun laws and affordable post-secondary education (relative to you at least), just to name the first few things that came to my head. You may have

Good news for Tampa fans. Trading a Bishop usually opens up the game.

There is such a pronounced difference between playoff baseball and regular season baseball, where the stakes are so small due to the length of the season. I live in Montreal and that bat flip game turned friends who had never watched an Expos game into baseball fans. The pace of the game isn’t an issue when you are

In many late-game situations, I think a lot of managers will still have their pitcher leisurely throw four balls to the catcher, thereby giving their reliever an extra minute to warm up and making baseball’s time wasting bullshit all the more obvious and egregious.

Lowering taxes on the wealthy without cutting spending, because the benefits will magically trickle down to everybody else. And if not, fuck it, we’ll all be dead by the time our children and grandchildren are forced to foot the bill.

Boy, he sure doesn’t sound like a lifelong republican

I think the excesses of most violent revolutions are due to popular anger against a wealthy elite who have hoarded resources for generations. If Russia and China had been more egalitarian pre-revolution they probably would have avoided the orgies of violence which followed.

I’m Canadian. Up here, the government funds libraries, schools, parks and museums (not to mention HOSPITALS). The money to pay for these things is raised through taxation, and the rich pay a disproportionate amount of said taxes since they earn a disproportionate amount of society’s wealth. This always made sense to

He’s been slumping pretty badly the last couple of months, but I’d still rather have him over just about anybody else going into the playoffs.

If he had shot it high and missed you’d probably be calling him a moron too.

Okay fine. But he can go fuck himself anyway.

Correction: apparently he does speak French. Although I still don’t recall him speaking French in Montreal. I continue to stand by my closing statement.

Isn’t one of the prerequisites to being a diplomat that you can speak the language of the country in which you’ll be serving?