
They both seemed into it, which is pleasantly surprising, because that isn’t always the case in the animal world (I’m looking at you, ducks).

did anyone cover that Trump thinks health insurance costs $14 a year!

President Obama follows me on twitter and I DMed him last night like a drunken ex saying I missed him. There is 0% chance he’ll read it but it made me feel better.

“These are the strongest vials out there. Dab” And then he dabbed.

Pure grain alcohol and rainwater, Mandrake

No, they’re not the same at all; Spruyt’s Sovereign State and its Competitors lays out the distinctions pretty well. They were structurally different in terms of the relationship of jurisdictions to governance and authority, and there are good reasons why political scientists and historians distinguish them.

That’s not the way I learned it. You start with a city-state, then you clear out barbarians and send out colonists. Before you know it you’re developing nuclear weapons.

[Please read in a Christian Bale Batman voice} I’m not the good sex the world deserves. I’m the great sex it needs.

Maybe it’s time for you to be the good sex you want to see in the world.

“I’ve given the farmers back their farms. I’ve given the builders back their land to build houses and to build other things.”

Uhm, excuse me, Ben Affleck is from Massachusetts. It’s always iced coffee season. 

So wait...maybe Sessions changed, but the Brits haven’t?

Yeah well, being the dude after Captain America, you HAVE to bring a gimmick

It’s more a joke than a serious complaint.

UK Update:

Truly the trashiest Panda.

That’s because she has a sexy secret. Obvs.

I just want them all to die in jail, except Barron (one R or two?). I hope Barron finds a loving family somewhere. Tiffany was wise to GTFO after the election.

There’s no reason why we can’t keep eyes on all of them. Especially if there’s a (very strong possibility) of going RICO with this entire horseshit administration.