
I’m just a white guy, but when I try to be cool I clap on the two and the four. How would the one and the two even work? Clap Clap Pause Pause?

Ooh, good poll question! 35 male, I would rather really impress a woman with explicit consent checks, than lightly piss off one who thought it was dorky. A couple times I’ve gone “Ok, if I get out of this car and walk you to your door, I’m probably going to kiss you.” If she doesn’t tell me to stay put, I’ve got a

Wait, Jay Gatsby died? Spoilers

Guess, stay with me here, but I’m beginning to think Woody Allen is a problem.

If you come up to my register with a Herald, I assume you’re racist. Petty of me, perhaps.

Wait, is Lebron really smart and self-aware and kinda likable? This is confusing.

I'll argue there greatest ability is to somehow always be the victim. But the two are intertwined.

Lighten up Francis, it was a hyperbolic joke. And also, you know, I didn’t mention anyone dying. I even offered to pay for any revenue lost by no longer being part of the Union. The joke was that I don’t want any of these people in a Congress that makes decisions on my life over here in Massachusetts. Feel free to

So.... well past time to just cut Arizona loose as an independent Native state? Economy propped up by reparations until say 2418?

Hilariously, the ‘official’ Trump poem is “You knew damn well I was a snake when you took me in.”

Proud Boys? Get outta here with that.

I’ve worked at the Harvard Coop. Favorites are a tie between two folks. A little old white lady who would pick up our most expensive sweater, take it to one register and say she lost her receipt, but could she exchange it for a different size? Cashier says yes, makes the exchange, gives her an exchange receipt. She

I had a kid’s cookbook growing up, and my parents cottoned on to one recipe so much they kept making it years after I moved out. In theory, pork chops braised in orange marmalade is a fine idea. In practice, pork chops seared on medium high for twenty five minutes is an abomination. Bless the day I came home with a

As a teacher, I’m on the fence about it. Nineteenth century, your parents taught you to be a functioning adult, school taught you how to be a lawyer, or a minister. Clearly parents are kinda failing (there are a lot of demands on a two working parent family, I get it) to teach functioning adults, but can we as

I was in Nashville earlier this month, and, as is my habit, just kinda wander walked through downtown. Stumbled upon the Woolworth’s, which papers its store-front with images of the Sit-In. Like, you don’t get credit for being segregated back in the day! Be ashamed, will you?

Mid-2000s, went to a punk show in Providence — I’m a hippy/folky, but punk shows always seem like really bright, high energy, supportive shows, where I can dance like a crazy man, and get pulled up in a heartbeat, if I fall down. The dude I was with listened to a lot of punk, didn’t go to a lot of shows, so I found a

I need to up myself from like very casual Gymnastics fan (they’re the best part of the Olympics, and I had an absolute blast watching Aly and co. give an exhibition in the Garden a couple years ago) to semi-active enthusiast. The national Championship was in Boston and I didn’t even know about it? Damn.

I don’t if this was truly stupid, because I don’t know what I could’ve done better, but here it goes. Visiting a friend in one of the mini-cities outside Boston, heading home to the South Shore. Torrential rain. The kind you’d remember all your life, even if you don’t total a car. I miss a turn, and the crappy GPS on

I may be a gross human being, but my take-away was that someone told AJ Lee what?

I’ll admit, I don’t go down to Pawtucket often enough. But I’ll be damned if I go to Worcester. Rather drive to Portland.