Shut up. It’s not my fault we share a birthday.
Do it. You won’t.
I like big boats, and I cannot lie.
Excuse me, I’m gonna go reread Jeremiah. Suits my mood.
I like it!
Everyone interpreted it as my friend like literally stood over my son and spat on him and called him that. It was a FB post about a student. There’s been a lot of aggressive reaction, and very little actual help.
Student at my school, not ‘my kid’. And I was hoping someone knew of a good professional article that would articulate the whole ‘this is what I hear when you say....’. I gave him the four sentence version, but I’d love to hand him the three page version
Seems like I fostered a lot of misunderstanding. This was a FB where I had lightly poked fun at student at my school for his very preppy trash-talk. He was being an ass, and I told him so, but it wasn’t as visceral as if he like stood over my son and called him a pussy.
Not my son, student at my school. And I did. Left it hanging with a ‘guess that says more about you.’ Was hoping someone knew of a professional, well-done article along the lines of “This is what I hear when you use this word”. Might have to write one.
Oh, it’s definately more dysfunctional than functional, but it’s not a ‘every-weekend have a beer’ friend, it’s a ‘you had my back in the past, now I’ve moved to a different state, and I am fascinated by your descent into the alt-right’. Also, didn’t make it clear, not my biological kid. Student at my school.
I mean, it is an absolutely crazy way to refer to a minor, and I shot him down for it, but this is not ‘my kid’, he’s a student at the school I work at. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.
I don’t know if it makes a difference to you, but I’m an educator, and was in a gym class observing a totally different student. I have no investment in the kid he’s insulting, barely know his name.
So, is there a good go-to on how ridiculous the phrase “cuck” is? I have a friend who I’m not gonna cut off because of his politics, because we talk music and camping. I like seeing his point of view, and we troll each other on FB. I told a story about a goofy high-schooler, and his genteel trash-talking (“You eat…
From your lips to God’s ears.
I chuckled for a while, feeling your hate and pain. And then I got sad, knowing I had willingly done the same thing to myself.
I too am now aware that Callahan doesn’t enjoy SNL.
Umm... confession, my mom is the gardener, not so much me. But yes, she grows hundreds of plants from seed. Couple dozen banks of grow lights in the basement so she can start mid-winter. I live close enough to take advantage. What I will take credit for is my DIY smoker: hot-plate, sheet metal pop-riveted into a…