mat1cs is not your friend.

@brokkoli: Cause these guys are handsome and uh....

@Decoy_Doctorpus: I agree. I would much rather see some 13 year-old FF characters with full grown beards. Oblige me, Square-Enix!

Please bring Lisa back for a review of Heavy Rain after it comes out. I'd be really interested to see if she thinks it stacks up to real acting. From what I've seen, it looks like it'll be pretty damn good (in terms of acting and realism.)

I think developers aren't in the right mindset when dealing with pirates. The obvious thing to do when fighting pirates is to hire ninja.

@ibeeis: I find your first sentence to be extremely ironic.

@Random J: I have to do the same.

@ttocs: I think your sarcasm detector is borked.

I love how smooth the movement is in this game. If I can convince at least 3 of my friends to buy it besides me, I'm in. It just isn't too fun playing these co-op games with random people you meet online.

@Tdawwg: Yeah, I was actually kindof like on your side of the argument. But sure!..

@Hiroken: Hahah, seems like it.

Anybody think it's a coincidence they announced this the day after Obama's speech?

@Tdawwg: Haha. What would a "modern" soldier look like to you?

@NewFromWashu: Haha pretty awesome. Maybe Amy from Sonic is an unlockable character?

@okidokedork: Haha true. Thanks. At least it's been a couple years since I've played so it won't be that fresh in my memory.

@WhatTheFrag: Oh man, I thought this was End of Eternity. These developers really need to start thinking of more original names..

@okidokedork: I played about 20 hours in maybe, then had to return the game to a friend. I switched over to an elite since then and I guess I forgot to bring over my save. Sad huh.. I just started replaying it, so hopefully I can beat it before the new one comes out. I decided I'll go for paragon this time around

@okidokedork: It wouldn't be a true space epic if you don't get to boink her.

This is amazing. Also, I really like the ending paragraph of this article lol.