mat1cs is not your friend.

@jasontkennedy: The main point I want to get across is that we know basically nothing about what is going to be released. Why get upset over a RUMOR. Gamers can be so ridiculous sometimes.

@NishuSJ: Because they won't be grabbing cash otherwise. *rolls eyes*

@dev: That, and it's also possible that the main entries in the series could go back to being more RPG-centered, even though I'm not really expecting it to happen. This way, they can focus on all that shooting they want in one game, and like you said, focus on the universe and RPG elements in the other.

@capeo: They're still making ME3. You're complaining that they're releasing more games in a universe you love? Quit being a fucking crybaby.

Guys. That voice is Dagget from Angry Beavers!

@EmeraldDragon: Honestly, I think it's going to be a fad too. But then again, I'm not an industry analyst or anything.

@Dylan Paul McGinn: Longest run-on sentence I've ever read. Also, they gave the audience Xbox Slims. Also, if your being paranoid hasn't realized that cell phones have been around for forever now, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you should make an aluminum hat?

@EmeraldDragon: It won't. Unless they can sell the "hardcore" (hate that term, but since everyone else uses it) gamers on head tracking while still using a controller, FPS's will never work with just Kinect. At least with the current technology.

@jaystew: Kids these days, eh

Definitely mid-life crisis. Please stop ragging on Japanese game design Inafune. Makes you look like a hack.

@TheUltra: Draw the line for what?

@kevipants!: Haha, oh okay. It's always good to have your own opinion about things.

@0suited: Good try, but no dice.

@kevipants!: I can't tell if you're being serious or not.

@Hunter.Wolf: I remember being really creeped out from the ads for Messiah when I was a kid..

@0suited: I think your joke is lost somewhere amongst your bad delivery.

@Niomo: That's what she said?

@Chestnut Bowl: Thing is, what does your decision do other than make you feel better about yourself? People are still gonna go out and buy their games, like hutch said, and they're still going to make money. Activision is a business, and right now they're pretty popular.

@tok1879: Pretty much. Shameless plug. I don't think it's Brink though.