mat1cs is not your friend.

@Archaotic: I was just gonna ask, is there going to be a Collectors Edition with Amano art? Cause if so I'm definitely buying that over this boring version.

@tomsamson: The combat, forgot all about that lol. That broke the game for me. I made it a rental only cause the combat sucked so much. Like I understand it's not encouraged to shoot people but at least let me disarm them a little better. It felt wonky.

I'm gonna be the Master Chief-looking guy at 2:47. I could just play Halo but.. why would I do that?

@tomsamson: I was pretty much going to say the same. It seems like they got their "SMART" idea from AC. This sounds pretty interesting though.. and if it actually works out it should be really innovative. Kinda wish it was being implemented into the next Mirror's Edge though.

@Limeade: Strange, huh? I, too, like playing with attractive men.

They need to program these robots to the Wii remote right now. 1:1 sword fighting with Gundams would be the most epic win ever.

Wow, serious game is serious.

@Ghostwize: Which would make the most sense, but what do they care. I wonder what gives them the idea that JRPG fans would rather hear Leona Lewis over well arranged piano/orchestrated music.

@bwwardiii: Haha definitely true. I play this with this girl I'm dating and I get too impatient and try to run through the levels. Doesn't work out too well.

I wonder if Nintendo/Miyamoto are honored or upset by this game releasing.. I have a feeling they won't like the fact that they're missing out on money that could have been theirs.

I think it looks awesome and I can't wait to play it. Definitely different from the average RPG I've seen in the past couple of years.

Now playing

There are so many good quotes they could have used from George Bush.

I'd "critique" Sarah Palin's political "figure" anyday!

@Collymilad: Agreed. Even though I did like 12, it would be great to get back to the more "classic". FF's

@OW-Holmes: Bringer of Fear: I haven't played the second yet, and I'm almost done with the first, but I think it'd be good if you did play the first. I'm sure they'd fill you in on the storyline in a recap but sometimes it's better to go through it ya know? #assassinscreed2

@jesterspawn: Thanks for disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing, but do all the exercises in wii fit for a month and compare the results to actually going to a gym. Not trying to be smug or anything, just saying what I know. #sportsauthority

More like part of a movement to make money off of ignorant Wii owners. Seriously? Just go run on a treadmill at the gym. Am I the only one that sees these games for what they are?