@Jesse LaBar: In tears, laughing at the irony of his situation. #modernwarfare2
@Jesse LaBar: In tears, laughing at the irony of his situation. #modernwarfare2
@ChiChi_BBQ: I thought I was the only one! It bothers me so much. #finalfantasyxiii
@Bubbleman!: Definitely.. The songs I usually end up liking the most in RPGs are the piano/orchestral ones.. Doesn't seem like there are that many in western RPGs.
@Bubbleman!: Reminds me of Chrono Trigger for some reason. That means I'm in love with it by the way. #finalfantasyxiii
@zhixson: Lol, thanks for that. #finalfantasyxiii
@Nehle: Hahah.. Heart click. #newsupermariobroswii
@OrwellJames: You should be starred for this alone. #jamesbond
@palpiteitor: This. I am now heartbroken. #darkstalkersthenightwarriors
@coolbho3000: Cool story Hansel. #modernwarfare2
@Phaper: Whoever's doing this is a blockhead? #batmanarkhamasylum
@Resident Diesel: I want the knife! #uncharted2amongthievesfortuneh...
@Spaceboy: Haha that's funny, I was thinking the same thing. #thewhorockband
@Slagathorian: It's pretty different from FPSes actually. It was a pretty good game, but I can't see myself actually having fun with it if I didn't have a friend to play through it with. We beat it in probably 3 sit downs and it was cool.. Nothing especially great, but nothing terrible. It was solid.
@hismastersvoice: The Captain America skin makes me want to buy the game for PC, even though it wouldn't look as pretty on mine. #batmanarkhamasylum
@Kyosuke_Nanbu: But Akira.. cmooon #tatsunokovscapcomultimateallst...
@PyramidHat: It's funny because your views are so badly explained that I thought you were making fun of yourself there.
@PyramidHat: I'm not gonna touch on your other subjects, but if you only spend 10 hours on a fighting game, you must not know what you're doing.
@ihatko: Well, yeah there is the whole internet popularity thing.. But who cares about that these days? lol #walktroughs
@MooglesInMyFace: Yeah it's interesting. You never really think of how ridiculously considerate it is for people to make these guides out of the kindness of their hearts. #walktroughs
Frank is cool and all, but I want Akira from Rival Schools.