mat1cs is not your friend.

@Kuanhung Chen: Yeah, I was kindof annoyed when I read an interview saying the reason they put him in was because they had some great ideas for moves. He's basically Jill.. Which is kinda boring, except for the Kobun super. He's obviously in TvC to promote Dead Rising. They have no reason to put in characters that

@PyramidHat: I think it's ideas like this that made them hesitate in bringing it stateside. Support the title and maybe we'll get more like it. Isn't it worth the 50 bucks? #tatsunokovscapcomultimateallst...

@Ladi: Haha, don't count your chickens before they hatch..

@Odin: I'd think they would fix the current version before they'd give you extras for a messed up port. That doesn't make sense. #bayonetta

@Ladi: Haha espers in FFXII confused me a little. I was more annoyed than excited to use them. I think this new idea is pretty cool too, cause it's definitely different. I'd rather have a fresh idea than the same old summons.

@Sourside21: It doesn't show unstarred comments for me randomly too. Annoying but oh well.

@: I still don't get why Nintendo isn't smart enough to remake regular Pokemon in 3D.

@Soldier_CLE: Really? I'll just leave it at that.

@nypad5: I can't tell if that was extremely racist or ridiculously ignorant. Probably both.

@PulpZero: I remember renting it and loving how awesome it was for a full week.. I probably didn't even get past the fourth level lol.

@Carey.Laius: Just wanted to say I agree with literally everything you said.

@Archaotic: Oh, that's kindof a bust. I don't mind missing out on it cause I never played the Gameboy game. Still waiting and hoping for KH3 for PS3 though..

This might be literally the cutest thing I've ever seen. Besides maybe the Kobun coffee mug.

@Archaotic: Did you finish the DS game? I want to play it but I don't have a DS..

Err.. What?