@twinturbo2: If that happened I would buy two copies of this game.
@twinturbo2: If that happened I would buy two copies of this game.
@Rachel Fogg: As a disclaimer, I completely agree on what you're saying.. Just thought of this and had to bring it up to see what you guys think. Why is it that there is never a "shaved head" option for a hairstyle in games, at least for black people? I never understood that. It's either afro/mini fro or bald.
@BelgianBadger: Wow, please don't start that. Bottom line is, neither Sazh or his son are stereotypes. An afro is a characteristic of a black person, just like spiked hair could be a characteristic of any other race. I'm glad the majority of commenters here can understand that.
@ClockOut: Quit feeding the troll.
@Fallible.: Not exactly. I'm also planning on waiting for a price drop around next year though. I want all those instruments, but my place can't hold em (already have a drum set and two guitars) so I'll have to wait. Plus it was a huge bummer seeing how cheap the whole pack is now, compared to when I bought it (last…
@enderwiggin13: These are the kinds of stories I love to hear. I feel like the reason they made this game was to bridge the generation gap between Beatles fans, so that they could all enjoy their music in a new medium.
Not sure if anybody cares, but when I heard they were making a game for WTWTA, I figured the best way to handle it would be a sidescroller with an artistic style like Braid for 360.. Except with Maurice Sendak's drawings in motion.. It would be beautiful.
@DeadHex - Now on XBL/PSN: Hahah so true. I feel like Nintendo couldn't care less about the price drops. They'll still sell regardless.
@TraMaI: as played out as it is, this one works so much better.
I figure the "gamer thumb" is the reason why she'd wanna play with any of us. (not in the sense that you're thinking)
@D-K, it's not butter? no way!: Haha Family Guy?
Have they announced who the new characters are for TvC yet?
@Ursus-Veritas: I thought it was great. Just didn't want to replay it after I beat it.
@Mister Adequate: Yeaa I actually just saw the links on the side and realized they already talked about it, haha. Sounds interesting enough, I guess. I just can't really see too much action involved in ruling a kingdom.
So I'm guessing (if concept art is anything to go by) that the next Fable focuses on you becoming a king or queen? They wouldn't make artwork that isn't player-focused right?
@A1LD: And this comment isn't nonsense. Gotcha.
@gyoshi: Same. Needless to say, I was disappointed with the article.
@rich8606: I think it was gun charge.
So basically what you're saying is, you don't @Givafuk?
@MrJoelR: I think you might have confused the slang of the word with the literal meaning.