mat1cs is not your friend.

What I don't get is how this guy talks about wanting to change the way hip-hop looks to the average person, and yet he chooses a rapper that talks about guns and dealing drugs in his music. I have no problem with T.I. - he's a great artist. It's just that there are so many other artists available that speak of

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I would love to have those MegaMan/Roll figures just so I could reenact scenes from the TV show.

@PlanarStar: I think it's because that's what the masses want more of - the movie. The original (minority) fans of a series don't have the numbers to gain attention from the head guys that make those kinds of decisions. They're thinking sales, and for some strange reason, they think staying true to a (usually

@Alexisonline: Excuse my ignorance, but what makes it "fake" rap? It's still rap music, no matter how much you dislike it. I don't listen to it either, but saying that these songs are something they are not is a really invalid argument. Just sayin'.

I feel so awesome for realizing that Star Fox picture before reading about it. great memories.. and I never even realized until now that it borrowed from Independence Day. the thing about media these days is, no idea's original.. everything released these days has had some kind of influence from old media, and

@TaggarT6: Marvin the Martian vs. Jax? hell yea!

losing my religion!! love that damn song.

over 9,000?

@reekon: ummmm.. rollerblading?

@laser beams: I loved that show when I was a kid. used to watch it every morning before elementary school.

@Dope boy hero - on a sabbatical.: let me just say.. it's amazing. and the localization can only make it better. (aka more characters.) or so I've heard.

let me be the first to say it,

@iTouchU: memes aren't made on purpose.

@undefined: I, myself, prefer negroid.